Monday, March 28, 2011

Perfect Moment Monday -- Mesmerizing Spiral

Each week I participate in Perfect Moment Monday, sponsored by the blog, According to Lavender Luz, "Perfect Moment Monday" is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect Moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between." And so, here is a Perfect Moment for this week.

Last April I got the opportunity to go to Germany to visit one of my dear friends, Meridee. We enjoyed our time together and I loved my first trip to Europe.

While we were there, we got to see the beautiful Heidelberg Castle. After we came down from the castle, we enjoyed lunch and a German beer in a beautiful cobblestone courtyard at the base of the hill.

As we waited for our food, a colorful, mesmerizing spiral caught my eye at one of the tourist shops nearby. After we ate, I wandered over and bought one of the mesmerizing spirals for home -- as a reminder of my wonderful trip to Germany.

Last summer came and went and I forgot about the spiral. It was sitting on a shelf, patiently waiting to be hung.

Saturday when I came home after watching a college lacrosse game with Bryce (which included several Perfect Moments), my sweet hubby was out working in the yard.

As I approached our front door, I noticed that he had hung our colorful mesmerizing spiral. It reminded me that spring is here and of my great trip to Germany.

As the spiral spun round and round, I noticed yet another Perfect Moment!

If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays go to by clicking here.


  1. Sounds like many perfect moments!
    I think it's wonderful that you have that beautiful spiral to remind you of your trip!

  2. You know I'm a big fan of rainbow colors, and the spiral shape. So with this object, you have given me a perfect moment.

    I must see it in person sometime.

  3. I like how it not only reminds you of your trip, but gives you a feeling of renewal and spring.

  4. Boys can be remarkably inspire at times. What a lovely surprise and flashback trigger!


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