Monday, February 7, 2011

Perfect Moment Monday -- Basketball Weekend

Each week I participate in Perfect Moment Monday, sponsored by the blog, According to Lavender Luz, "Perfect Moment Monday" is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect Moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between." And so, here is a Perfect Moment for this week.

I signed the twins -- Bryce and Ryan -- up for a Parks and Recreation 7th and 8th grade basketball league last fall, which was to begin in January.

Just after the first of the year, we received a letter stating that the boys were on a team, but no (volunteer) coach had stepped up...and if a volunteer did not appear, the team would be dispersed onto other teams, which would mean an increase in traveling time to games and practices and a decrease in playing time. A lose-lose situation.

One of the fathers, Sean, and I volunteered to coach the boys. I played basketball in high school, and not to brag, but I was pretty good. :) I'll spare you the "Glory Days" verbiage, but basketball was MY sport. :)

Which is great, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm coaching material. However, I did coach the freshman girls basketball team when we lived in Aspen and had a lot of fun (almost 20 years ago -- yikes!).

Sean is a natural coach. He claims he knows nothing about basketball, but each practice he comes with a note card outlining what drills we'll do, how long we will spend on each one, scrimmage line-ups, etc. He motivates the boys, disciplines them, and makes each of them step up and play their best on the court. I've really enjoyed working with him.

In addition to a great head coach, we have a very talented group of boys. We've played six games this season and have won all of them. Go Sooners!

As I sat on the bench today next to Sean and the kids, yelling my coaching tips to the boys on the floor, I was overwhelmed by the realization that I was experiencing a Perfect Moment.

The boys were running their plays, working together and winning! After the game, one of the referees came over and told us that our boys had one of the most talented teams he had seen in the league. What a great compliment!

Volunteering as an assistant coach has truly been a blessing. Not only have I had the opportunity to work with Sean, to get to know the boys, to scrimmage and play my old sport, but it's been one more opportunity to be a part of my sons' lives.

Truly Perfect.

If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays go to by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you're back in "your" sport, and that Sean stepped up, too. He sounds like a great guy, and I KNOW you have some terrific players on your team!


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