Monday, January 24, 2011

Perfect Moment Monday -- Going "Viral"

Each week I participate in Perfect Moment Monday, sponsored by the blog, According to Lavender Luz, "Perfect Moment Monday" is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect Moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between." And so, here is a Perfect Moment for this week.

Several people asked why I didn't write a Perfect Moment Monday post last week. I was in Breckenridge with my entire family (and all of their families) for a weekend of family fun including skiing, cooking, visiting, laughing, ping pong, hot-tubbing, etc. So the short answer is that I didn't write about my Perfect Moments...because I was so busy experiencing them.

Lately I've been noticing how many Perfect Moments I have all around me all of the time. I have been in a constant state of gratitude. It's been...well, Perfect!

It also means that I have LOTS of material and ideas to write about now that I am finally sitting down at my computer.'s this week's Perfect Moment Monday -- Going Viral

The first and BIGGEST one occurred on 1/11/11, which just happened to fall on a Tuesday. And if you read this blog often, you know that it not only fell on a Tuesday, but on an Intuitive Tuesday!

That morning I had pulled a tarot card, wrote my intuitive interpretation of the card, and when I was just about to post it, I realized it was 1/11/11. What a great date! So I decided to write about the numerology and tarot connection of all of those ones and called it: Intuitive Tuesday: Today is 1/11/11.

I was at the yoga studio that day until shortly after noon, but checked my blog stats when I got home. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that over 5,200 people had visited my blog so far, 929 of them in the previous hour.

How did this happen? lil' ole' Wild Women of the Universe (, got picked up by Yahoo and Bing on the first page of their search engines. It's amazing how much traffic that generated for me. I had a banner day!

My husband was SO excited that he checked my stats every ten minutes just to see how much it had gone up. it was REALLY exciting!

By the end of the day, I had over 7,200 people who visited my site! Unbelievable!

Every time I checked my stats page, it was a Perfect Moment! I still smile thinking about it.

Tune in again next week for another Perfect Moment Monday. I have so many of them stored up, I could write one every day this week and still have some to spare. Now THAT is something to be grateful for...

If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays go to by clicking here.


  1. That was so exciting to peek in at your stats! Yahoo and Bing ALSO had a banner day in picking your blog to highlight :-).


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