I love this card! Its energy has served as a beacon of light at several key times in my life. Pulling The Sun card today feels very uplifting and positive.
One of the Major Arcana cards, The Sun typically symbolizes happiness, opportunity, success and fulfillment on a spiritual as well as on a day-to-day basis.
You are filled with confidence and feel ready to take charge.
If you have been unclear about something -- a decision, a project, a situation in your life, etc. -- The Sun helps you generate powerful energy, bringing light and clarity.
Here's some really great news! In regards to your health, The Sun is a card of health, healing and recovery. If you've been under the weather or just plain sick, this card indicates a turning point. It's time to feel better.
By pulling this card today, you are being prompted to use the energy of this card to invite new positive, healing energy in.
The Sun also indicates a joyous and fulfilling time in your life. You feel as though you are in complete harmony with your spiritual nature and have clarity about your purpose.
It doesn't get much better than this.
Today, invite The Sun to shine upon you. Bring this nurturing, positive energy in and through you and share it with others. Know that there is plenty of The Sun's positive energy to go around...so shine, shine, shine in each and every moment with every person you meet, but most importantly, feel it in your heart and soul.
Just like the saying goes: "Let the sun shine in."
This is so fabulous for me! I am on day 8 of 14 on medications that is suppose to clear up a very bad bacteria I have had in my stomach for years. I am finally starting to feel better. Last week the Strength card appeared and it was the first day of my medications and now, half way through this treatment The Sun has presented itself and I am getting better. Certainly not 100% or even 90% but 75% which is HUGH from the 25% I have been for at least a month. Oh the glorious SUN. I will take a walk today in the SUN and thank it for it's healing.
This is kind of encouraging. I've kept positive spirits about a project that now seems out of my hands, and things don't seem to be progressing. Maybe they are and it will be revealed to me...whenever.
I'm inviting the Sun.
Life lies open to me; rich, full, abundant. My thought, which is my key to life, opens all doors for me. I am one with Infinity, Divinity. I realize this unity. I proceed on my way as one who knows that the Sun goes with me into an eternal day of infinite privilege. I have only to open the portals of my soul and express that which is ready to express through me. Today I fling these portals wide; Today I am the instrument through which life flows.
adapted from Ernest Holmes
I could use some sun energy, too! Following that strength card from last week, I welcome the sun to shine down upon me and carry me through the special journey I am on this year. May it shine on you, too, Sheri!
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