Monday, December 6, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday -- Hallelujah!

Each week I participate in Perfect Moment Monday, sponsored by the blog, According to Lavender Luz, "Perfect Moment Monday" is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect Moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between." And so, here is a Perfect Moment for this week.

My good friend, and Wild Women of the Universe reader, Laura, sent me a link to this wonderful video. I clicked on it and turned to take care of something else while it loaded.

I glanced at the mall scene as the video started and found myself captivated by the scene. I love the music from Handel's Messiah because it's SO moving. What also fascinated me was that this mall food court looks A LOT like the one at our mall (and probably every other in the U.S.), but I could almost imagine it happening here and witnessing it myself.

I enjoyed watching the (somewhat staged) spontaneity of the crowd, and loved watching what must have been the everyday people enjoying this outburst of music.

This reminds me of the flash mob dance that was featured on my sister's blog, of the Oprah Winfrey show featuring the Black Eyed Peas, with a flash mob scene of the song, "I've Gotta Feeling." Check it out here.

EVERY time I watch this video I get tears in my eyes and feel so motivated. There is so much collective energy!

I gotta a feeling that it will be the same with the Hallelujah video.

Just think what would happen if we could coordinate our energy more often for positive purposes?

We could change the world!

I hope you take five minutes to watch and enjoy this video and feel inspired.

Thanks to Laura for sending it to me. It was PERFECT!

Happy Holidays...and may you get caught in a flash mob scene like this during one of your trips to the mall!

If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays go to by clicking here.


  1. Isn't that video the absolute BEST? I was mesmerized while I listened to it.

  2. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a way for all of us Hallelujah lovers to sing it together via Skype?

    I think I need to organize a flash mob thingy. Instead of waiting for it to come to me, I should create it, whether by Skype or mall or something else.

    Thanks for sharing this!


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