Monday, September 20, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday Night Football

Tom and I enjoying our Perfect seats!
Note the cover above us and the rains and empty stands behind us.
Each week I participate in Perfect Moment Monday, sponsored by the blog, According to Weebles, "Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect Moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between." And so, here is a Perfect Moment for this week.  

Living in Colorado almost my entire life, it's no wonder that I'm a Denver Broncos fan. So what is a Broncos fan and her hubby (a Bears fan) doing at Arrowhead stadium for a Monday Night Football game? 

Tom and I attended a week-long military training last week at Fort Leavenworth in Leavenworth, Kansas. When I say "we," I mean that we were both in school learning about leadership, communication, personality styles, etc.

Our view of the field...with our drinks and snacks in the foreground.
Even though the classes were excellent and the guest speakers were some pretty important (high-up, four-star type people), the real draw was visiting Tom's brother and his family who are stationed there temporarily.

Part of the fun included getting special tickets for veterans to attend the Monday Night Football Kansas City Chiefs game.

Wow! They have some pretty intense fans in KC. Almost everyone was wearing red, faces painted, some wearing full Indian chief headdresses. And most of them didn't like the fact that I had on my Denver Broncos sweatshirt and Tom had on his Plummer jersey (I wonder why???)

Our assigned seats were in a new standing room only section on what I believe was the very top of the stadium. The funny thing was that the section was SO new that no one (not any of the twenty or so "Event Staff" people) knew how to find it. In the course of a half-hour we got so many conflicting directions to get to our was almost comical.

The stands are red and almost completely full...until the rain came down (for almost the entire game).
But once we got there, there were several people standing around, and one lone table overlooking the balcony. We immediately claimed it!

The BONUS? If you look carefully in our picture, you'll notice a cover above our heads, and pouring rain coming down behind us (but not on us). The stands are almost empty because for most of the game it poured...and not just little, but a lot.

But from where we sat, we could see the entire field, had a TV above our heads, and a cocktail table to rest our drinks and snacks on. It was PERFECT!

In fact, it was one in a series of Perfect Moments that happened throughout the week...of which I'll share more soon.

The Chiefs won and it stopped raining just long enough for us to get out to our car. How perfect is that?
If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays go to Weebles Wobblog by clicking here.


  1. Sounds like many perfect moments!
    I'm glad you and hubby got to spend some fun time together. I am originally from Kansas and I have family members that are Chiefs fans. Some of which really don't like the Broncos at all...which is unfornate..haha

    My boys went to the Broncos game yesterday and had a great time!

  2. So what, exactly, does Miller Lite say about your "Leadership Style"?

    Hehe. You are FUNNY!

    Looks like a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear more!

  3. It sounds wonderful and I love that you sported your true team colors!


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