Monday, August 23, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday -- Brushing Reminder

Each week I participate in Perfect Moment Monday, sponsored by the blog, According to Weebles, "Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect Moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between." And so, here is a Perfect Moment for this week.

I renamed last Thursday, "Tooth-day" after taking my three sons each to an orthodontist appointment (we must be some of their favorite clients) and then one of them to the dentist for a filling.

With school starting the following week, I wanted to get as many appointments in as possible. It's so much easier than having to get them out of school during the school year for an appointment.

I was amazed and horrified at the orthodontist's appointment when two of my kids hadn't brushed their teeth...not even at the conveniently available "brushing station" at the orthodontist's office.

One of the boys (not mentioning any names) had had a couple of sleepovers in a row and had not brushed for several days. First I gave him a brief lecture and then listened to the dental hygienist give him a lecture and a demonstration.

My kids tease me about being fanatical about my teeth -- which started the year that I had decided to faithfully floss my teeth EVERY day for a full year. OK. So that is a bit fanatical, but my gums appreciated it.

So you could imagine how embarrassed I was listening to the boys confess, "No. I didn't brush today (or yesterday or the day before)."

The next day as I bravely entered the twins' bathroom (teenage boys) to put some towels away, I noticed written on the mirror, in BIG letters, the word, "BRUSH."

I guess that is one way to remember.

As I smiled at their teenage-ness, I realized that it was a Perfect Moment!

If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays go to Weebles Wobblog by clicking here. 


  1. Funny but, at least they seem to have gotten the message.

  2. That's hilarious! I thought, when I first saw the mirror, that YOU had reminded THEM.

    The fact that THEY wrote themselves a note is truly perfect!

    (P.S. I bet the ortho has a perfect moment every time he sees your name on his schedule.)

  3. Oh Sheri how funny.. reminds me of my 12 yr old. I don't think he would ever brush if I didn't remind him. If I forget I'm almost afraid to ask "when is the last time you brushed your teeth?"

    The fact that they took it upon themselves to write the reminder is truly a perfect moment!


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