Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today’s cards come from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot
Since I have already selected The Magician, I decided to pull another card, the Three of Coins (Pentacles)...which I have also selected before. This is a card of using your talents, employment, craftsmanship, and expertise to find success. If you'd like more information about the Three of Pentacles, click here.
Instead of selecting yet another card, I decided to look at these two cards to see what they mean in conjunction with each other.
You've probably already noticed that they both have to do with talents and skills you possess. The Magician is a Major Arcana card, which typically symbolizes a larger life lesson.
The Three of Pentacles is a Minor Arcana card, which indicates a day-to-day situation. That the two cards came up together, indicates to me that there is a situation that is happening for you right now -- possibly in your work arena -- that is BOTH day-to-day and also has a deeper, more spiritual meaning.
The message of the combined cards is to recognize and tap into your full range of talents, gifts, skills, and specialized knowledge to more fully apply yourself and fulfill your purpose.
Perhaps it's not only time to take an inventory of these things, but also to see how you can combine them in ways you've not previously thought of or done in a consistent manner.
For example, if you love to journal and write, but keep it private, perhaps now may be the time to share these talents with others. What if you were to write or complete the book you've thought about but never done? What if you were to start a blog and write for others to see?
A personal example...
I am looking to more formally combine my talents of being intuitive, reading tarot cards, life coaching, being a PSYCH-K practitioner, and using my energetic healing skills to work with clients not only from one of these areas, but from a combination of these gifts.
My sessions with clients would then be a combination of what is most helpful to them at the time and what gifts I have to offer.
I may have a client who comes in for our first session and we read cards to get an idea of what is emotionally going on for her right now and create Action Steps like I do regularly with my life coaching clients. In our next sessions, we may identify beliefs that are keeping her stuck and balance for those beliefs using PSYCH-K. I could then write an article about what I've learned to help my column readers make these shifts in their own lives.
Through the combined Magician and Three of Pentacles energy, what I have been promoting as separate services, now weave together to bring healing energy to the person and the situation -- no matter what earthly form it takes.
I know some of you who know me may be saying, "DUH! That's what I've been trying to tell you all along." But pulling these two cards really spoke to me. I GET IT!Does the concept of The Magician and the Three of Pentacles make sense to you?
How can YOU combine talents that perhaps you've seen as separate into a new and more efficient form to better express who you are and what your purpose is here on earth?
Do the old brainstorming exercise of combining two things that are NOT alike, into something new and different. And remember in brainstorming, there are no bad ideas.
So go for it. Combine away. Be creative. And see what the universe brings your way. It's not only YOU that will be impacted, but every person you come in contact with.
What magic does The Magician and the Three of Pentacles hold in store for you today?
This must have been a very exciting combination for you personally to draw.
As I read I had a flash about the convergence of the Particular (mundane day-to-day details) telescoping out to the Grand Design, the Vision. I think there is Magic there in the transformation of the humble details into something higher and greater. Sometimes the distance between the Vision and what it takes to get there seems so discouraging, from one perspective, yet inspiring on another. Persistence is a useful skill here, not always my strongest...I think it was mountain climbing that taught me the magic of a single step, repeated ad infinitum.
I believe I have found my niche in weight loss counseling. I have come to realize I am "good at it". Those that know me say a loud "duh" I find it rewarding beyond belief when a grown man sits across from me and cries at the fabulous news that his doctor has taken him off one medication and lowered the dose of another in half! He just wants to thank us all for helping him loss the 60lbs that stood between him and his healthy self.
That notwithstanding the industry like all "service industry" jobs does not compensate fully what I need to support myself. Therein lies my angst. I spend 30 yrs finding my talents and putting them to great use only to find that it doesn't sustain me in the neccessary mundane physical world.
Persistance trumps talent?
Hmmmm....I spent the night musing on this. I think at the macro level my purpose is to develop my voice (written form) and clear the channel for a message to come through, probably about living mindfully.
At the micro level, my kids are now home from the summer and life is full of mundanity (is that a word?). I supposed this is a chance to practice my own message of being mindful and present in the small things, as well as in the big things.
Very thought provoking, Sheri!
Hi -- I've followed you for a while but not commented much or ever before.
This combination of cards really spoke to me, but I still don't know exactly what they are saying. They came the morning that I found out I had not been selected for yet another project/contract. I have been struggling to sell my hours at work over the past six months or so, which is a very new problem for me. At first I felt that they were reinforcing all those signals: I need to really take stock of where I am work and find a way to fix it.
Then, as I thought about it more, I wondered about the struggle I have to balance between my work obligations and my home obligations. I feel like I am never succeeding at either one these days: not successful at work; and giving in too much to anger and impatience at home. I have a demanding job and I'm the only earner in our family, so we rely on my work; my husband is dying of Cystic Fibrosis and is very sick most of the time plus there is a lot to coordinate with his care -- multiple doctor visits a week, the home nurse, etc.; we have a 3 year old son; a 100 year old house; a big, needy dog.
I often wonder if I am in completely the wrong work; but I can't imagine accepting the risk and uncertainty of trying to change careers right now. Or I think, I need to find a way to work part-time for a while, so I can better support my husband and be there for him, but, he is so withdrawn, and I don't like the idea of taking the financial hit, or know if we could afford it, or what it would do to my career in the long run. I do need to try to take stock of all my talents and apply them to help be there for my husband and child and make my work situation better -- but I don't really know how to start.
Thank you for this weekly opportunity to reflect. With love,
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