Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Intuitive Tuesday -- Four of Swords (reversed)

Every Tuesday I select one card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life and ask, "What messages are here for you?"

This week's card is the Four of Swords (reversed). In its upright position, this card indicates a time of rest and rejuvenation. It reminds you to rest, relax and take time for renewal. Now is a time of retreat and relief after stress. Out of this will come greater strength and insights as to what is next.

For more information about the Four of Swords, click here or here.

Today, however, the Four of Swords is in its reversed (upside down) position. Instead of taking a needed time out, this indicates that you have had some time for spiritual renewal and now it's time to get back into the action.

It's time to get back to work, possibly on something that you have set aside for some reason. It may also mean that it's time to take a firm stand on a conflict you've possibly been avoiding. And more gently, it can indicate that you are feeling better or are recovering nicely and can now resume your former level of activity.

Because the Four of Swords is a time for both spiritual and physical renewal, you may be feeling more spiritually connected and content. The feeling is like waking up after a refreshing nap to take on the rest of your day. Get the idea?

A Personal Example:
Two of my kids have been staying with family for the past two weeks. I've missed them, yes, but have also been enjoying more time to myself, less driving around, less mess, less laundry, etc. AND, I also miss them...a lot! But it's A LOT easier with only one kid!!!
My Four of Swords (reversed) is me getting ready to welcome my kids back and preparing for them (mentally, spiritually and physically). They come back today and I've been rushing around washing and changing bed linens, catching up on some household chores and getting ready to face their arrival with preparation, joy and enthusiasm. 
What does the Four of Swords (reversed) indicate for you today? What are you ready to face, tackle or handle that perhaps you had put aside?

Welcome the Four of Swords (reversed) energy into your life. It will help you to keep moving forward.


  1. I think I will feel this way in a couple of days ;-), but for now I am just starting my renewal time.

    It's delicious, for sure!

  2. This is exactly what is going for me at this time! Busy with website transfer and revamp, crafting new programs for the school board, working on other projects too - lots to keep busy with! And it feel great!!!

  3. I took a break day today... and it's been perfection. Today's card says to me: "Enjoy today, and look forward to tomorrow."

  4. I keep hoping to have a break...and it did come in the form of my hard drive crashing last Friday morning! Sort of a vacation of sorts. Now it's back on it!

  5. For me, I think it might mean finally getting my garden finished this weekend. Or, it might mean taking a stand on adoption with my husband, but I feel that dream slipping away for other reasons...

  6. I feel like I will never reach that place! When I do get a moment to myself, I usually feel guilty because of everything left undone. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  7. Hmmm... I'm not sure I've had much of a break, but I am feeling like I've kicked into high gear at work. I only have a few weeks left before maternity leave starts, and I have a lot of unfinished projects, and some of the ones I've been putting off and feeling stalled on are finally getting done.


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