Thursday, May 20, 2010

Intuitive Tuesday on Thursday -- Eight of Pentacles & "I Am Free"

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a card and give you my interpretation of it. On Thursday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

This week's Intuitive Tuesday card was the Three of Cups, a card of celebration, overflowing emotions, family and fun. In addition, the second card was Simplicity, a good reminder for this busy time of year.

Today's follow-up cards are for Andrea Rose Jones whose comment was:
Hi Sheri, so glad you drew the second card. Just spent the weekend at the Lake where I was feeling so blissed out and unburdened. Woke up this morning just wanting to go back to that space and NOT to the details of life! What a great reminder to let life be and stay tuned to the part of me that enjoys the spring, no matter what I am doing, and to prioritize the details.
It may be no surprise that in response to your comment I selected the Eight of Pentacles, which is also known as the "work card."

Remember that this card can also indicate stability and satisfaction in your work and suggests that work will be fulfilling and enjoyable. So don't be surprised if as you jump back into "real life" that you experience a shift in your perception of what you do and how you do it. Look for your work to take a welcome shift forward as you dive in.

I recently covered the Eight of Pentacles. If you'd like more information and some additional insights, click here.

I pulled another card for you today (intuitive BONUS) from the Messages of Life deck by Mario Duguay. This card is called, "I am free." These cards are so beautiful and have deep, meaningful messages accompanying the artwork.You can click here to check it out or go to your local (metaphysical) bookstore.

 Here's what the card says:
From now on, I am free of the duality, fear, judgments, and people that may prevent me from moving forward on my path to inner peace. I listen to my heart. The veil of my ego is lifted and a vision of my new life appears to me. I am focused on my inner growth and I remain steadfast in the energy of love.
Today focus on what is really in your heart -- both in your career and in your personal life -- and allow the truth of that to guide you forward.

If you feel doubt, rely in the fact that in your heart you will know with certainty what needs to be done and how to do it.

Trust and follow.


  1. These cards are right on for me as I easily and intuitive (following my heart) made an important life decision yesterday!

    Relating to work, living location and feeling FREE to do so!

    Thanks for the validation, Sheri.

  2. Sheri, thank you SO much for your comment, your thoughts and the card.

    I had *just* written a completely negative, ranting email to my best friend in which I focused on the minor downsides to a couple of my recent decisions. (Decisions which, even knowing what I know now, I'd make again.)

    The card and interpretations were a solid reminder to keep my chin up and have confidence in these decisions. In fact, both posts made me tear up. It was exactly what I needed to hear, and whether it was the Universe, your intuition or both, I can't thank you enough.

  3. Hi Sheri,
    How beautiful. Reading the cards Tuesday really helped shift my energy. I've gotten alot of satisfaction through my work this week even when it was challenging!
    Nice! And tonight I head back to the Lake for another long weekend.
    I've got to get a deck of those cards.


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