Monday, April 5, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday -- Spring Fever!

I got it...Spring Fever, that is.

This past week it was sunny and clear (at least a couple of days) and I couldn't wait to be outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine!

My friend, Loralie, and I took two hikes, one on Serpents Trail and one on Liberty Cap trail.  Both trails are part of the Colorado National Monument, one of the many beautiful attractions in Western Colorado.

In the first picture, you can see Loralie and me doing tree pose (I am the one on the left). In the second picture, you can see me at the top of Liberty Cap trail. And in the third picture, you'll see both of us on our hike on Serpents Trail.

The great thing about hiking Liberty Cap is how distinctive the rock formation that you can easily see from almost anywhere in town.

So as I was driving around transporting boys that afternoon (my nearly full-time job these days), I pointed out to them the huge domed rock at the top of the Monument that I hiked to that very day. They were duly impressed (as much as teenagers can be).

One last thing...I know it's hard to tell from the photos, but Loralie has beautiful blond hair and my hair is brown. We have been asked at least four times over the past eight months if we are sisters. And with all of our similarities (and differences), we have claimed each other as sisters...or should I say, "sistas," and possibly twins separated at birth!

I have a great time with Loralie and when we get to spend time together, it usually turns into a perfect moment!

Isn't that what good friends are for?

If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays go to Weebles Wobblog by clicking here.


  1. Sisters of any stripe ALWAYS make for perfect moments.

    I'm impressed you can do yoga in hiking boots!

  2. How relaxing and even better when done with a sista. You guys look awesome and great scenery, just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing that perfect moment.

  3. I've got spring fever too! Love the pictures. Sounds like it was a great day.

  4. I couldn't think of a better "sista" and you are right, Sheri - almost every time we get to hang out is a "perfect moment!"

  5. Sounds like a good friend and "sista". Looks like a beautiful place to hike. Aren't we lucky to live in such a beautiful place!

  6. Sounds so nice! I also have spring fever, despite the pollen that is assailing me. Love the "tree" photo of the two of you!

  7. What a great moment (or series of moments).


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