Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today’s card is the Six of Cups, a card of good childhood memories and nostalgia and how this may be influencing your life today.
The card pictured here came from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot
The Six of Cups symbolizes the relaxing, wonderful memories and stories you have of your childhood. Even if you had a tough upbringing, there are still stories you tell and things you remember that create the memory of what was and what has helped create who you are today.
There are a couple of meanings today that might be important with the Six of Cups.
First is to remember and find peace with the past. Be grateful not for what happened, but from what you learned from it. That way, even if it was difficult, you may be able to see the purpose and lessons that were available to you.
Step into the energy of the Six of Cups. What is one of your happiest childhood memories? Open your senses to the experience. What happened? What were your emotions? Were there any lessons you can bring forward? Perhaps you simply want to remember and relive the experience. The Six of Cups encourages you to get into this space.
A second and more forward-focused message of the Six of Cups is to realize how we create our future memories in every single second of our lives (our NOW). Just as you have memories of your past, you are in the process of creating future memories.
I realize the benefits of staying in the NOW. Even though the Six of Cups focuses on the past (memories), we can blur the lines between the past-present-future by shifting perspectives. The Six of Cups focuses on the past (nostalgic, childhood memories), but it also focuses on the future and the present.
It sounds like a time-warp, mind riddle, but think about it. What we do now (present) creates what we will remember (past) in the future (future).
As you move throughout your day today, stay present and experience not only what’s happening right now, but do it in an effort to create great memories.
What do you want to do today, that you will remember (with the nostalgia and energy of the Six of Cups) in the future?
Hmmmm, what do I want to do today, that I will remember (with the nostalgia and energy of the Six of Cups) in the future?
I'd like to have a wonderful, conflict free day with my kids (or as conflict free as you can get with 3 boys)...maybe play a few games, read a book.
I have so many wonderful memories of my childhood. I hope I'm creating as many good memories for my boys.
I have so many wonderful childhood memories. The two that popped into my head while reading this were car trips in the back seat of the station wagon with my sisters, and making up commercials on a tape player at our grandma's house.
So for today, anyone know where I can find an old, bright yellow station wagon?
I haven't visited your site before, but this really hit a chord with me.
I've been going through a rough patch lately, what with having a miscarriage recently and all. Today on the drive home, I thought about my lost little one. How, in the short time I had her/him, I dreamed about going to the zoo. The look of wonder. I remembered going to the zoo with my own family when I was a child.
And so, your line about being present and creating great memories strikes home. I feel like I've lost most of the past month in grieving. That's okay, but thank you for the reminder that I am still here in this life, have a future to look forward to, and that I want that future to have many great memories to reflect upon.
I love the idea of using this card as a reminder to create tomorrows memories. It automatically puts me in space of joy. Power filled stuff!
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