Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today’s card comes from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot
The Five of Wands could be the conflict you felt about making a decision or taking action in your life.
The Six of Wands is the victorious feeling you have when you know what’s right for you. What a relief to finally know!
The Seven of Wands moves us past the victory of making a truthful decision into marching forward with commitment and conviction. We must stand up for what is right for us, for why we made this decision, even if we cannot fully (or logically) explain it.
The Seven of Wands shows a person holding a wand looking as though s/he is ready to fight off anyone. The energy is to find your courage and your strength as you move forward. This card invites you to move into your own sacred space of your personal truth with conviction, even if and when you are scared.
A personal example:
One example that comes to mind for me was when I was going through divorce (nine years ago). I struggled with the decision to go through divorce (Five of Wands). After working with a counselor, writing in my journal, talking to friends, and doing numerous tarot spreads, etc., I knew that ending my marriage was the right answer for me. The end of struggling was a huge victory for me (Six of Wands).
The Seven of Wands was the energy I summonsed to find the courage to get divorced. I had to tell my husband, my family, the kids, fill out paperwork…all details that had to be done, but continuously tested the conviction of my decision.
It was the right thing. I knew it at the time and can confirm it now.What are you facing now, that deserves and requires the energy and courage of the Seven of Wands? Looking back, what has been the path to bring you here?
- Five of Wands (struggle)
- Six of Wands (victory) and
- Seven of Wands (defending your position)?
One other thing to note is that the next card in the deck, the Eight of Wands, signifies things happening quickly and without delay, which could indicate that once you get things going, flow will take over.
Just as everything in life, the Seven of Wands is part of a larger cycle. Use its energy as you need it and welcome the changes that present themselves as you continue to move through the cycle.
This is a hard one--I don't know if I'm past anything right now, if I need strength and a reminder to remain firm. But I'll be mulling it over all day.
Well, I hope the eight of wands holds off for a bit as I feel like I need more time to catch up!
It feels like I'm almost finished reading the second or third book of a series. I've already gotten to the part where the climax is, now I just have to finish reading that last chapter that comes after the climax - then I get to go onto the next book in the series. I feel the anticipation of the next book - it's palpable... and at the same time that last chapter is taking the time it is taking to read and I don't what the next book to start without me...
I hated my job for ten years. About six months ago, an opportunity to change careers arose. The new career path meant a significant reduction in pay. After much deliberation [Five of Wands] I accepted. It is SO rewarding and I've never been happier in my work [Six of Wands].
But financially, the adjustments have been hard. My mind has been waffling a little lately about whether this was the right decision. (My heart knows it was.)
That's how the Seven of Wands speaks to me: be committed to staying where you're happy. I've felt at a crossroads the past week: either commit to this new career and go forward bravely, or revert to the comfortable but miserable.
I am committed to moving forward.
Thanks, Sheri. I really enjoy this -- sorry for hogging your comments...again. :)
It seems like this card's stage could be almost as difficult at the Five's, in that one might look at the safety of going back rather than allowing the conviction to flow.
I think it takes practice and trust (and practice trusting) to get through Seven. I can see times in my life when I went back to Struggle because I wasn't strong enough to hold.
Good for me to remember in the future.
Allison I can relate completely with you. I too took a position SUBSTANTIALLY below what I am used to, (think almost minimum wage-from more than $40k). The financial adjustment continues however I have never been more fulfilled in "being me" on the job. I too have been asking myself if I am going to completely commit to this position/company or bail out and take another job at another company where I will make more but be bored to tears.
However, today a client confirmed my enthusiasm and validated my desire to become an expert in my field and "take it on the road". Yes that is the 8 of Wands for me. The courage to truly "step out on my own"........I've talked about it and dreamt about it for years...Now? It's time to move forward...watch out world here I come! LOL
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