Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today’s card comes from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot
As you read the words, notice what images, thoughts, feelings, etc. come up for you. These are your clues to determining the meaning of today's card for you.
If the King of Swords symbolizes a person in your life...
...this is a strong male who is intellectual, logical, educated, independent and possibly out of touch with his feelings. This is a person who thinks his or her way through life, depending on what they know more often than on what they feel.The King of Swords may also symbolize traits you exhibit or need to exhibit in a situation you are facing...
Remember that we all exhibit the traits of all of the suits, but at certain times, one suit may be more prominent. The King of Swords tends to rule his world with a "head over heart" attitude and may hold a position of authority (judge, military, boss, lawyer, professor, expert, etc.).
My DH tends to exhibit King of Swords qualities. His military training has reinforced some of his inherent traits of being in charge, thinking through situations to figure them out and using his intellect to carry him forward. The great thing about DH is that he also has a very intuitive side as well, which supports his logical approach and helps him to be a great leader (another trait of a King of Swords).
King of Swords traits would include using logical reasoning and your intellect to approach a situation, as opposed to being swayed by "cloudy" feelings. Feelings should rarely be overlooked completely, but the King of Swords today may be prompting you to lean more heavily on your logical side. What makes the most sense? If you were fair and impartial about this situation, what would the answer be? How would you handle this situation?
There have been times when I select a Court Card in a tarot card reading and encourage my client to bring out more of the qualities of this particular Court Card in his or her life to handle whatever is in front of him or her.If the King of Swords indicates a situation in your life...
...it might be a situation in which feelings are not involved (the decision involving you was fair and impartial and is not meant to be taken personally). The person who is making the decision is not judging you personally, but more on the logistics of the situation.What immediately came to mind after reading each description above? This is your clue as to what this card means for you. Know that it can be a combination of meanings as well. It may symbolize a person, a trait you possess or need to bring out AND a situation in your life.
It might also symbolize you using your thoughts to take control of a situation. If so, this card encourages you to recognize and take control of your thoughts to effectively handle a situation in your life.
Go with your gut to determine the meaning of this card for you today!
My guess is that you already have a pretty good idea who or what this is referring to. I can't wait to hear your thoughts (swords)...