Sunday, February 14, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday -- Chicks on Sticks!

I recently got to play hookie from my writing, coaching, mothering, etc....and went skiing with a friend of mine and some of her office mates. I had SUCH a great day!

Pictured here are all four of us at the top of the lift (left to right) Loralie, me, Diana and Ilana. Don't we look like we're having fun? BTW, Loralie's friend, Fred, took the photo for us and was smart enough to NOT ride the lift with us. He said he'd leave all of that up to us girls! Luckily!

I hadn't been skiing in a couple of years and I was a bit nervous about my ability to keep up with the other avid skiers and snowboarders. I found that it came back to me after a couple of runs. I was still a comfortable Green-Blue-Green skier (although we mostly did Blue runs). And the people in the group were very patient, even offering encouragement and tips.

So why did my cheeks and guts hurt once we came off of the hill? Because there is a quad chair lift to the top and all four of us "Chicks" rode up together. Having only met the two office mates -- Diana and Ilana -- that morning, I wasn't sure if they'd get me and my humor...but we got along great!

To help us capture each of our conversations up to the top of the mountain, we played a game of "Going to Grandma's House," where each time you note one additional "item" to bring. So each of our items was the main topic of conversation (and laughter) on our ride up.

So here are some of the things we brought to Grandma's House:
  • I-pad.  
  • Sausage 
  • Camels
  • Taco
  • Chicks on Sticks and Babes on Boards (descriptions for women skiers and boarders). Another name mentioned was Skank on a Plank. I had never heard any of these before.
  • Adult Super Store
  • Burping contests
Don't worry if you don't get it. Just know that we were rolling! I'm surprised that one of us didn't slide right off the chair lift! I started to write out explanations of each one, but remembered that this is a family-friendly blog (most of the time).

When I got home and my husband asked about my day, I said, "I had a really good time. We laughed all of the way up the lift and skied all of the way down. The weather was beautiful. I was outside with friends. Laughing. A lot."

Truly a Perfect Moment!

If you'd like to check out more Perfect Moment Mondays, click here.


  1. Sounds amazingly awesome! Laughing like that, to where your laughing muscles hurt, feels so awesome.

    Love the list!

  2. How fun!!!! I can't remember the last time I laughed like that with my girlfriends!! Sounds like a fabulous day!

  3. Those days away from the every day happenings of life are great. I need to laugh out loud more.


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