Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today's card is the Five of Swords (reversed). I used my Mystic Faerie Tarot deck again this week. I love the artwork on these cards!
Fives represent forces of change, something that upsets the balance, and disrupts the stability represented by the four (remember that fours are like the legs of a very sturdy table). Five is halfway through the cycle and may indicate disruption or change along the way.
Swords represent conflicts and/or mental or intellectual qualities, which in this case might indicate logically going over and over a problem to figure out what happened and how to best fix it...which can be mentally draining.
The Five of Swords can then indicate forces of change, an argument, energetic competition with other people and being attracted to situations involving conflict.
Today's card is REVERSED, however, which means that the forces mentioned above are either blocked or the worst is over. Yeah!
This means that you have faced the forces of change by simply allowing, you've walked away from an argument or no longer have "winning" as your highest goal, and may be shedding the people and situations around you that are causing conflict.
The Five places you right in between the Four of Swords (rest and rejuvenation) and the Six of Swords (calmer waters ahead). You have gotten through the disruption of the five and are ready to move on.
You probably have a pretty good idea what situation this is referring to in your life. If it hasn't surfaced or gotten to this point yet, be aware that it may happen in the next couple of weeks. This card was pulled today to give you a heads-up so that you can respond to a potentially disruptive situation instead of reacting.
If you feel yourself beginning to react to your "competition" or face a disruption in your life, the Five of Swords prompts you to pause and allow the emotions to come up, deal with what's there and then act/respond. This is a case where taking ten deep breaths can not only breathe new life into your body, but refresh your mind and soul and help you create a much-needed pause.
Today get into a mental (Swords) space and contemplate this question: How can you keep the message of the Five of Swords reversed in mind when facing the heat of the moment? The bonus here is that you have a heads-up!
Incredible disruptions happening at this Full Moon in the workplace, which I can't give details on due to confidentiality - just note that the 5 Swords reversed feels hopeful!
Hmm. Very interesting. I've been feeling conflicted about the changes to come in our family. As long as I've wanted and worked for this change, I now find myself halfway mourning the loss of what we already have and feeling uneasy about this "competition" to our relative calm and stability. I now know that I don't deal well at first to change. I know that I'll overcome these feelings, and this card gives me even greater hope for that.
"This means that you have faced the forces of change by simply allowing, you've walked away from an argument or no longer have "winning" as your highest goal, and may be shedding the people and situations around you that are causing conflict."
YES. Allowing. Being. Breathing. In my latest blog post, I talk about no longer willing the pot to boil. My mind is letting go and telling my body to lead the way. Thank you for the reinforcement!
For me, this is about a book tour I am currently hosting. There is potential conflict, but so far things seem to be non-combative.
This is a great reading!
This was so good for me to read today. I immediately thought of my divorce, which should be finalized literally any day now. What you said here: "This means that you have faced the forces of change by simply allowing, you've walked away from an argument or no longer have "winning" as your highest goal, and may be shedding the people and situations around you that are causing conflict." --this really made me think of the mediation I had to go to and the attitude with which I went.
Right now I am working though a lot of the emotions that have come in the wake of "getting hit by the divorce bus." I always need a reminder to breathe and feel my feelings.
I think this would relate to the chaos I've been feeling at home. Our puppies have been quite a handful and it's causing stress. They seem to be going backwards on potty training and one gets into and chews on everything.. we love them but I'm looking forward to calmer waters.
Hmmmmmm... could this be the situation I just dealt with in Wisconsin with my siblings and parents??? I know it's certainly not over, but at least we are all on the same page, in agreement, and all doing our part...
well, this relates to me moving to the east coast from the west coast and working in an entirely new competitive environment despite the fact i have worked for the organizaton for years, where there are winners and losers.where you coworkers outwardly and behind your back talk bad about you. everyone places blame. where you make mistakes because you feel defeated and you are dealing with your pride and everything is so new and chaotic. all of the above. i get it now. i am trying my best to deal with it. just growinga new set of tough skin. it does give me a lot of stress.
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