(Note: I know, "hip," isn't hip anymore. Today my kids refer to this as "sick," or "tight." And just when I get the new lingo, it changes!!)
Before I go to the movie, I plan to finish the book. For some reason I like all of the details and nuances that a novel offers before enjoying the big screen version.
One quote that stuck out to me when I was reading last night was this:
Jacob was simply a perpetually happy person, and he carried that happiness with him like an aura, sharing it with whoever was near him. Like an earthbound sun, whenever someone was within his gravitational pull, Jacob warmed them. It was natural, a part of who he was. No wonder I was so eager to see him. (page 145)My goal is to be a "perpetually happy person" most of the time. That doesn't mean denying what I truly feel to be a Pollyanna, but more of staying in the perspective of gratitude and being thankful for what I have in life.
I loved this part: "whenever someone was in his gravitational pull, Jacob warmed them."
I want people to feel that way about me. I want to exude the divinity within myself and attract to me others who have this same quality.
What are your thoughts on being a perpetually happy person? Maybe you already are...
He was a "perpetually happy person". I am going to remember that. I try to make the choice every morning when I wake up to be happy, grateful and positive. Sometimes I forget..haha
I have not read any of the books. I've been thinking about it lately.. I'm usually behind on what's hip..I mean sick :) also.
I keep hearing from everyone how much they love the books. The vampire idea put me off but a lot of people I know who read the books say they felt the same way but loved the stories.
I think you already ARE that person. Happy and warming of those who come into your orbit.
I am more out to be authentic. I think being happy is a by-product of that. And I hope that by becoming authentic, that I can warm others to being authentic.
Sheri, you are living your purpose. People tend to gravitate toward you and soak up your warmth like the relaxing afternoon sun. You have a clmness that attracts people who are on their own path.
Lori, I'm always impressed by your authenticity. One always knows where they stand with you. And I always leave you reminding myself to stand in my own truth.
My purpose is to be tight, like my sisters.
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