I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.
This week's Intuitive Tuesday card was the Ace of Wands. I have pulled an additional card today for Laura who said:
I always love getting this card. My problem is - I get excited about many things! Right now there are three big ones: 1) writing the online face reading course 2) learning about behavior management plans for MR/DD adults who also have personality disorders; and 3) changing my website to a Blog! Yikes! How to do it all? Let's see what Thursday's card says. (-:The additional card I selected for you is the Four of Wands from the Mystic Faerie Tarot deck. The Four of Wands is a cause for celebration, a commemorative event, feeling content, finding harmony and receiving an unexpected gift. It can also indicate possibly working from home, and a chance to take a well-deserved rest.
With all of these opportunities, it's hard to think about taking the time to rest because it feels like so much needs to be done -- and done RIGHT NOW!
If there were a way to duplicate YOU so all three of your selves could pursue these paths, or if you could implant computer chips in your head with the necessary information, that would be great!
But alas...that is not how it works, at least not yet. There is a more limited feel to how you need to approach these projects. Now is the time to harness your energy and try not to master-mind HOW it will all work.
One of the most difficult challenges for you is to walk the tight-rope between applying effort to achieve and allowing the pieces to fall into place (which might look like you are not doing anything). But when you look back to different accomplishments in your life, isn't it a beautiful blend of both applying effort and allowing the Divine to create perfect order in your life?
I also sense a great excitement simply about feeling passionate about something again. And the saying, "When it rains, it pours," may apply here. You might look back over the past year and feel as though (even though you've been busy), you feel as though you've been coasting. With this recent influx of opportunities (pouring), it can be easy to feel both excited and overwhelmed.
So, your question: "How will I do it all?" and an important message for all of us:
Now is the time to quiet your excited mind and allow the Universe to direct your energy and focus. This might be receiving important and timely messages, listening to your intuitive direction and finding flow. Throw the concept of applying energy to MAKE something happen out the window and simply ALLOW What Is to be the conductor of this path.
And...one last and important thing for you, Laura: The Four of Wands might also symbolize a possible romance. Now wouldn't that be the best kind of "pouring," to have the Universe throw a Mr. Wonderful into the mix?
Yes. There is a cause for celebration on all fronts. Relax, celebrate and ALLOW whatever is next on your path!
Loved your comments today, Sheri. Right on...at least about everything but the romance part. After over 25 years of single-hood, it seems pretty far-fetched that romance and companionship will come into my life. We will see, eh?
"a cause for celebration, a commemorative event, feeling content, finding harmony and receiving an unexpected gift..."
Yup. I must be pregnant. :-)
"One of the most difficult challenges for you is to walk the tight-rope between applying effort to achieve and allowing the pieces to fall into place (which might look like you are not doing anything)."
I dwell too often in the former and not enough in the latter.
Thanks for the gentle reminder!
Relax, celebrate and allow what is next on your path... amen to that!!!! for all of us!!!!
Well something about the message from today's card resonates with me in a big way. This week job notices for several jobs that look both interesting and, at least, somewhat appropriate came my way. I worry so much about the cover letters that go with the apps, writing them just right,that I don't even want to tackle them, so overwhelmed do I feel. Maybe this is a message to not worry so much and just do what I can reasonably do, without a whole ton of agonizing, and trust the rest to fall into place.
I seem to need to make things so difficult, almost as if it can't be real otherwise.
I'm feeling off the hook with this card. I don't have the mental FOCUS to make anything specific happen, so I'm going to take your suggestion and just let things flow. I'm happy not to have any specific plans for the weekend. My family and I are just going to play.
BTW, I love the image on this card.
"Allow the universe to direct my energy flow", That is what I'm going to focus on this week.
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