Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today's card is the Four of Cups. Fours symbolize stability and foundation (think of a sturdy table with four legs), and Cups represent feelings and emotions.
So the Four of Cups represents emotional security. Sometimes this can lead to periods of stasis and perhaps boredom, which can lead to feeling discontent or dissatisfied.
As you can see on the card, there are four cups -- three on the ground and one being offered from above. With this card, there is a feeling of longing or wanting more, possibly not seeing or acknowledging what's in front of you.
This is a perfect card for Thanksgiving week. It reminds us to see the emotions, feelings and life that are represented by the cups that are right in front of us...every day. Especially if life has seemed steady and somewhat boring lately, now is the time to realize what gifts you truly have.
The message of the Four of Cups is to take time to meditate and contemplate before forging ahead. Don't just do something (anything) simply to step out of being bored. Be thoughtful about where you are and take time to be grateful for what you have.
Pay attention to the good things in your life and if you need to create action to keep from being bored, do so in a positive way. Be creative. For example, if you are bored in a relationship, take the time and effort to infuse it with life. If you lack interest in your work, find one aspect of a project and jump in with both feet. Decide to shine in this area of your life.
The Four of Cups is a time to pause, contemplate and realize that life truly is pretty good. This Thanksgiving week, one of the things you may be grateful for is having a stable life that may feel boring at times, but only long enough to prompt you to move forward once again.
I've always loved this card because it speaks to me of MORE - of already accepting the abundance of life through three cups, and here is the chance to reach out and receive MORE!
This card seems to promise so much abundance, but the young man in the picture does seem really bored with it all. A coworker just stopped by with her latest new career plan, and I wanted to shake her and say "Live here now!" However, I'm very guilty of living elsewhere in my mind, too. But right now, I'm thankful for boring.
What a powerful image. Attention is on the one he *doesn't* have.
I think I've managed to shift from boredom to stillness. They are very different.
I liked what Furrow said.
I've found that getting comfortable with "boring" helps me more fully appreciate what I have in a more heart warming way - like that warm fuzzy that just fills you up! It changes what I may have been viewing ordinary or natural at one time, as magical and miraculous. I was just in Sedona, and one day my honey and I were going to take a plane,helicopter and boat tour to explore the Grand Canyon - instead, due to a few signs I felt I was receiving, we decided to drive up. While the "excursion" would have qualified as the "more" cup, I was really please at how we both enjoyed and remained in awe during what we could have viewed as the more "boring" tour - which was anything but :)
This is coming at a perfect time for me. Doing positive, thoughtful things with my boredom (which is frustration, wearing a mask).
Thank you for this.
An absolutely wonderful reminder that, despite our family's current situation, regarding my husband's and my less than full employment, we do have MUCH and that much is reason for MUCH gratitude. Who knows...maybe that fourth cup means that a job(s)is on the way.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I liked Laura Rose's comment. The man on the card looks a bit inebriated to me and here he is getting more!!
Well, it is Wednesday and I am finally reading yesterday's card! Shame on me.
I have never been bored in my life but I am always and forever grateful for the many graces and blessings that I have. What a wonderful day Thanksgiving is... reminding us to be grateful for all that we have... Just like the card you pulled for us. My wish is that everyone is grateful every day for their blessings, that everyone has everything they need, and that everyone's lives are filled with peace and love.
Thanks again for the perfect card Sheri and do have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!
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