I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.
Yesterday's Intuitive Tuesday card was The Four of Wands. I have pulled an additional card today for Mad Hatter who said:
I could tell as soon as I saw this card that it would represent my life at the moment. I have been going through 2 creative processes over the past several months - one is TTC through various methods and means and the other is a writing project, another form of conception and creation.Today's Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday card is the Two of Swords (reversed). I selected this card for an Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday almost two months ago. Click here to read the post and see what's here for you today.
What's interesting is that since June the physical conceiving has overshadowed the mental conceiving. I was so preoccupied with one kind of labor, I wasn't interested in the other. When I learned I wasn't pregnant (yet again) just over a week ago, I had to set aside the pee stick and pick up a pen because today I had a very important writing deadline.
And much to my delight, I had a breakthrough in the piece I'm working on and both I and my editors were really pleased with what I had produced! I may not have created life in my body yet, but I have created life on paper, and this gives me cause for celebration and also hope that the former is also possible (perhaps even because the latter happened - maybe being freed from one block will allow for flow and freedom from the other???)
Thank you for the chance to reflect on this.
In addition, here are some intuitive thoughts for you on the Two of Swords (reversed). Your comment refers to using the success and the approach from one area of your life to unblock another area of your life. This is the exact energy of the Two of Swords (reversed).
This is when you see "old" things in a "new" way. New insights come into focus as you see things from a broader perspective. You are free from limiting thoughts, and even though nothing appears to have changed on the surface, YOU have changed...and that makes ALL of the difference in the world.
Drawing this card for you today confirms what you mentioned in your comment, "...maybe being freed from one block will allow for flow and freedom from the other???" This is a huge step forward for you on your path. Congratulations!

Never Alone: Regardless of the darkness around me, I maintain my bond with God and the angels. This is the inner strength that allows me to go on. I have faith that all things will fall into Divine order for my greatest benefit. I ask the Universe for its guidance, and always receive its help and protection. The sun will rise and shine for me.May you take the energy of the Two of Swords (reversed) and the message of the card, Never Alone, and continue to unlock the things that are keeping you stuck.
I love what Mad Hatter said about being freed from one block can help with another block.
I remember when I was in college, whenever I got stuck writing a term paper, I would pull out my flute and just play. Flow.
And when I returned to the paper, I got Flow.
Hmmmm...maybe I should dig that flute out of storage...
Some days I just can't do positive. Today I'm wallowing. And a little drunk. I just need god and the angels to hold me and let me cry and not try to fix me.
Furrow...I hear you. Some days are just like that. I had one of those myself today. While listening to the song,
"Blackbird", by the Beatles, an internal dam just broke and a torrent of tears came gushing forth. I try to believe that God and the angels are always holding us, always with us, especially at those most despairing times, no fixing necessary.
Warm Blessings.
Thank you so much, Sheri! What a lovely surprise! I love what you say about this card and I so appreciate the encouragement. Now I still have to keep my promise from last week and find those two hours...did you find yours? ;-)
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