Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today's card is the Four of Swords. I selected it from the new deck my Dad gave me, The Grail Tarot. I love this new deck because it mixes the history of tarot with the mystery of the Holy Grail...and that the cards form a continuous frieze when laid out side by side, creating a connected landscape between the cards.
One of the basics of tarot cards is that they are read as each individual card, but also as part of a cycle. This is where numerology comes into play. The Four of Swords immediately follows the Three of Swords, which is typically three swords piercing through a heart (OUCH!). The Three of Swords symbolizes a heart ache, pain, loss, etc. Anytime I am reading cards, there is a sense of panic at the sight of the Three of Swords.
Why do I mention this here? The Four of Swords follows the feeling of the Three. This is a time of rest and rejuvenation. If you have felt the effects of the Three or are possibly running on all cylinders trying to keep things together, today's card reminds you to rest, relax and take time for renewal. Now is a time of retreat and relief after stress. Out of this will come greater strength and insights as to what is next.
For me, this is a reminder to Try Easy (as my yoga instructor says). My Type A personality can make To Do lists, use my mind, intellect and thoughts (all symbolized by the Swords) to figure things out. Today, for me, this card is a reminder to allow, have faith and take a break!
So why not use the message of today's card and take a well-deserved time out? If you have to justify it, make an official appointment in your calendar. Pencil in your name for a two hour appointment in the next three days and do something that you really enjoy or deserve (take a walk, a nap, visit on the phone with a friend, write in a journal, scrapbook, play the piano, etc.).
I'll make you a deal...I'll do it if you do!
Let me know how it goes.
I love this. My yoga teacher also says, "try easy" and I've become more aware of when I'm trying hard.
I'm ready for easy!
And I'd love to take a look at that deck sometime.
I'm new at Tarot, so when I picked the Three of Swords the other day (and the Death card the week before!), I decided not to use my Tarot cards anymore and stick with my Messages of Light cards. Thanks for drawing the Four of Swords today. Now I'm reconsidering the future of my Tarot cards!
I always need this reminder to take some time for myself and take it easy! Today is my day with Mom but when I get home, I think I will take some time to do some astrology, which is what I really want to do today!!! Thanks for the reminder. The cards you pull are always so timely for me...
Hmmmm...This sheds a whole new light on the 2ww for me...I wonder if I will draw the Three of Swords this Sunday? In the meantime, the Four of Swords is reminding me of what I should be doing. Yes, it's a deal - I will find 2 hours if you do!
You can't imagine how perfect this card is more me right now. I feel like it perfectly describes my state of mind.
I think this card continues and reinforces the theme I've seen emerge over the past several weeks--the crisis is done; the hardest part over, rest and regroup. I suppose another way, the striving part of the rhythm, the flow of the tide, is subsided and we're in ebb now. I wonder if we'll be seeing some gathering and momentum messages coming soon?
Anyway, it's a good affirmation for me to remind me that all is well, even when I'm wondering if I should be DOing something, yet don't feel the appropriate DO feelings inside.
What a great and honest card to be drawn right now.
I am standing in the midst of my daughter and her first broken heart, hoping she will find a way to move on.
My life has finally settled into this place where I can relax and enjoy the moments with my children, even working full time, cooking for 8 and managing romance in my life.
It is nice to see the universe seems to be following suit.
Your tarot deck sounds amazing - I would love to see all the cards together.
Everything in my life right now revolves around impending childbirth. I think my husband and I would both benefit from "Trying easy" for a few days. There are so many things we are worried about yet there is not a thing we can do about it. I know in my heart we will figure this parenting thing out in time. We need to use the time we have left for something more productive. Hopefully with each other.
It seems lately Plan A keeps moving to plan b,c and maybe even d, haha. This reminds me to sit back relax and take a break. Life is going to take it's own twists and turns and I need to go with the flow!
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