Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday -- Two of Swords (reversed) & Never Alone

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a card and give you my interpretation of it. On Wednesday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

Yesterday's Intuitive Tuesday card was The Four of Wands. I have pulled an additional card today for Mad Hatter who said:
I could tell as soon as I saw this card that it would represent my life at the moment. I have been going through 2 creative processes over the past several months - one is TTC through various methods and means and the other is a writing project, another form of conception and creation.

What's interesting is that since June the physical conceiving has overshadowed the mental conceiving. I was so preoccupied with one kind of labor, I wasn't interested in the other. When I learned I wasn't pregnant (yet again) just over a week ago, I had to set aside the pee stick and pick up a pen because today I had a very important writing deadline.

And much to my delight, I had a breakthrough in the piece I'm working on and both I and my editors were really pleased with what I had produced! I may not have created life in my body yet, but I have created life on paper, and this gives me cause for celebration and also hope that the former is also possible (perhaps even because the latter happened - maybe being freed from one block will allow for flow and freedom from the other???)

Thank you for the chance to reflect on this.
Today's Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday card is the Two of Swords (reversed). I selected this card for an Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday almost two months ago. Click here to read the post and see what's here for you today.

In addition, here are some intuitive thoughts for you on the Two of Swords (reversed). Your comment refers to using the success and the approach from one area of your life to unblock another area of your life. This is the exact energy of the Two of Swords (reversed).

This is when you see "old" things in a "new" way. New insights come into focus as you see things from a broader perspective. You are free from limiting thoughts, and even though nothing appears to have changed on the surface, YOU have changed...and that makes ALL of the difference in the world.

Drawing this card for you today confirms what you mentioned in your comment, "...maybe being freed from one block will allow for flow and freedom from the other???" This is a huge step forward for you on your path. Congratulations!

As a bonus, I've pulled one of the Messages of Life cards by Mario Duguay. I feel as though this is a message for all of us.
Never Alone: Regardless of the darkness around me, I maintain my bond with God and the angels. This is the inner strength that allows me to go on. I have faith that all things will fall into Divine order for my greatest benefit. I ask the Universe for its guidance, and always receive its help and protection. The sun will rise and shine for me.
May you take the energy of the Two of Swords (reversed) and the message of the card, Never Alone, and continue to unlock the things that are keeping you stuck.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday -- Four of Wands

Every Tuesday I select one card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?

Each Wednesday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.

Today I pulled a card from my very first deck of Tarot cards, The Aquarian Deck, by David Palladini. I originally used this deck for all of my readings, but about a year ago, I made it into my own personal tarot deck.

You can tell by the photo how "loved" these cards are. They have been with me through a lot of life changes and hold a lot of energy.

The card I pulled today is the Four of Rods (Wands). Interesting because last week I had pulled the Four of Swords. Fours symbolize building a foundation, stabilizing forces, manifestation, etc. Think of a table being balanced by four sturdy legs. This is what the energy of fours represents.

The Four of Wands symbolizes celebration and rest. There is a peaceful, happy feel to this card. It predicts the coming of happiness and the ability to enjoy life. Potential celebrations might include marriages, adoptions, graduations, awards ceremonies, promotions and other important, positive life-changing events. It can also indicate improved family relations and peaceful times in your home.

If things have felt unstable or frustrating lately, the Four of Rods would indicate that things might be getting easier. Thank goodness! Doesn't just knowing this ease the tension in your shoulders that you've been carrying around?

Take a moment right now to take a deep breath. Relax and breathe in the energy of the Four of Wands. Close your eyes and imagine a time in your mind when you felt this way and capture that feeling. With your eyes still closed, surround yourself with this powerful, relaxing and stable feeling.

All is well. Take a deep sigh of relief and know that everything is in perfect order. THIS is the essence of the Four of Wands and, now that you are familiar, once again, with this energy, you can step into it anytime you'd like.

Remember this throughout the day and tap into it anytime you begin to feel stressed or anxious. The Four of Wands energy is all around you. Thank goodness!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday -- I'm Ready!

Some things are genetic. When I was in Junior High school (which is now Middle School), I remember laying out my clothes the night before for a couple of reasons.
  • First, I had just gotten new clothes and was excited to see how they would look together.
  • Second, I wanted things to run smoothly in the morning so I would layout my clothes the night before.
  • Third, I was excited for "tomorrow."
As I made my rounds saying goodnight to my three sons (sounds like the name to a great TV show!), I noticed that two of my middle school-aged boys had laid out their clothes for the following day.

It brought a smile to my face, remembering how I had done the same thing...not too many years ago!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Facing F.E.A.R.

F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real.

We all have fears that we face every day. "What if ____ (fill in the blank) happens. What will I do?" OR "I couldn't do THAT. what would people think?"

We wrap fears up in many packages, but one thing is for sure -- fear can keep you stuck!

In a book I'm reading called The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich), he outlines six basic fears:

* Fear of poverty
* Fear of old age
* Fear of criticism
* Fear of loss of love of someone
* Fear of ill health
* Fear of death

He states that most other fears can be put into these categories. Can you relate to some of these?

Fear is excessive worrying about the future and coming up with all kinds of scenarios about what might happen. This is where staying in the present is so important. If we stay in the NOW, we can handle just about anything. But I will admit. I can easily get side-tracked with what happened (in the past) and what might happen (in the future). I repeat my mantra: "Stay present. Stay in the now."

As I was reading my daily email from DailyOM, it reminded me of the importance of feeling fear and the beauty of stepping through it. I thought you might enjoy it:
Fear has a way of throwing us off balance, making us feel uncertain and insecure, but it is not meant to discourage us. Its purpose is to notify us that we are at the edge of our comfort zone, poised in between the old life and a new one. Whenever we face our fear, we overcome an inner obstacle and move into new and life-enhancing territory, both inside and out.

The more we learn to respect and even welcome fear, the more we will be able to hear its wisdom, wisdom that will let us know that the time has come to move forward, or not. While comfort with fear is a contradiction in terms, we can learn to honor our fear, recognizing its arrival, listening to its intelligence, and respecting it as a harbinger of transformation. Indeed, it informs us that the change we are contemplating is significant, enabling us to approach it with the proper reverence.
I have pulled The Star card, which comes right after The Tower card. The Tower is a card that signifies the collapse of a structure, which could bring on fear. And the Star card (the very next Major Arcana tarot card) is a card of hope and optimism. In the midst of transition, you are gathering your resources, learning more about yourself and your situation and moving forward.

As my sister used to say to me during a particularly tough emotional time:
The sun will rise tomorrow.
And it always did...and continues to do so...every day.

May you face your F.E.A.R. and find your hope.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday -- Knight of Cups

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a card and give you my interpretation of it. On Wednesday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

Yesterday's Intuitive Tuesday card was The Four of Swords. I have pulled an additional card today for Lilith who said:
What a great and honest card to be drawn right now.

I am standing in the midst of my daughter and her first broken heart, hoping she will find a way to move on.

My life has finally settled into this place where I can relax and enjoy the moments with my children, even working full time, cooking for 8 and managing romance in my life.

It is nice to see the universe seems to be following suit.
Today's Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday card is the Knight of Cups. I love pulling this card because it signifies the start of romantic feelings or new feelings about something you are passionate about. It can indicate meeting someone new who you may be attracted to romantically.

The day I met my DH (dear hubby), we went to lunch and had a great time. I was scheduled to leave that evening for the Thanksgiving holiday. The weather, however, was so bad that the roads were closed. So I sat and contemplated calling my prospective DH to see if we could get together. I didn't want to appear too forward, but I was excited because we had an unexpected opportunity to see each other.

So what did I do? Of course, I pulled out my tarot cards, shuffled, laid them out in front of me and asked, "Should I call this man and ask him to go out with me tonight?" You've probably guessed that I pulled the Knight of Cups...which was a huge YES! So I called him. And the rest, as they say, is history!

Lilith, I noticed that you mentioned your daughter's broken heart and managing romance in your own life. This card indicates that her heart will mend (or another suitor will soon appear) and/or that love is headed your way.

As for is the time to open your heart and express who you really are and what you want in a relationship. Be romantic; be soft; be yourself and know that romance is in the air. Take full advantage of the energy of this card and have fun.

As for the rest of us...let's have some romantic fun too. If you are in a relationship, spice it up! Plan something special, wear something sexy and remember how it "used to be" when you first met and were smitten with each other...remember?

If you are not in a relationship, that's OK. Know that romance is in the air and open your energy up to possibly meet someone special. See a romantic movie or rent a romantic comedy and submerse yourself in the energy of romantic love. Make this a time of celebration and openness and ask your angels to bring these feelings into your life, if that's what you want.

And, know that the Knight of Cups doesn't HAVE to be about romantic feelings. It can simply be about being completely aware and open to your emotions -- about a relationship, your work, a new hobby, a sport...anything that you are passionate about!

Open your heart and your soul...and feel the love!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday -- Four of Swords

Every Tuesday I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?

Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.

Today's card is the Four of Swords. I selected it from the new deck my Dad gave me, The Grail Tarot. I love this new deck because it mixes the history of tarot with the mystery of the Holy Grail...and that the cards form a continuous frieze when laid out side by side, creating a connected landscape between the cards.

One of the basics of tarot cards is that they are read as each individual card, but also as part of a cycle. This is where numerology comes into play. The Four of Swords immediately follows the Three of Swords, which is typically three swords piercing through a heart (OUCH!). The Three of Swords symbolizes a heart ache, pain, loss, etc. Anytime I am reading cards, there is a sense of panic at the sight of the Three of Swords.

Why do I mention this here? The Four of Swords follows the feeling of the Three. This is a time of rest and rejuvenation. If you have felt the effects of the Three or are possibly running on all cylinders trying to keep things together, today's card reminds you to rest, relax and take time for renewal. Now is a time of retreat and relief after stress. Out of this will come greater strength and insights as to what is next.

For me, this is a reminder to Try Easy (as my yoga instructor says). My Type A personality can make To Do lists, use my mind, intellect and thoughts (all symbolized by the Swords) to figure things out. Today, for me, this card is a reminder to allow, have faith and take a break!

So why not use the message of today's card and take a well-deserved time out? If you have to justify it, make an official appointment in your calendar. Pencil in your name for a two hour appointment in the next three days and do something that you really enjoy or deserve (take a walk, a nap, visit on the phone with a friend, write in a journal, scrapbook, play the piano, etc.).

I'll make you a deal...I'll do it if you do!

Let me know how it goes.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday -- Purposeful Glow

Last night I invited two friends over to visit and read cards. One of my sons happened to be home; the others were at a party with friends.

I love being in the company of highly intuitive people because it seems to heighten my own intuitive abilities. Each of us vibrates at a higher energy level simply because we are together.

Both of my friends, Cheryl and Kim, are very intuitive. Cheryl does Spiritual Coaching, creates wonderful meditations and channels. Kim is very intuitive and is studying to be a channel herself. Both of them have taken my Intuition Through Tarot course so they are familiar with tarot cards.

Last night I was in awe of what I witnessed between Cheryl and my oldest son, James. I have always felt James is highly intuitive and he's surprised me more than once by saying something completely random...and being right on. Each time this happens, it further confirms his intuitive abilities.

As we sat around the table outside nibbling on snacks, James sat with us and joined our conversation. At one point, I asked Cheryl when she realized she was a psychic. She explained having a reading when she was about fifteen (nearly James' age) by a woman who channeled.

Cheryl explained that even though she was a bit freaked out by hearing this woman channel, it brought some comfort because it explained some of the things Cheryl had experienced.

James then asked Cheryl what channeling was. She began to explain it to him using metaphors and descriptions that he and anyone else could easily understand. Just as I've heard in her meditations, it sounded as though the words were perfectly formed before they came out of her mouth. If I would have closed my eyes, I think there might have been relaxing background music as I heard her voice sweetly singing the words to him.

As she melodically talked to him and answered his questions, I could see his curiosity melding into trust as she explained some complicated concepts to him. At one point she pulled out two decks of Angel cards by Doreen Virtue and asked if James would pull three cards for her and if she could pull three for him. The deck James chose was called, Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue (pictured above).

He shuffled the cards and carefully pulled out three and gave her a "reading," and she did the same. As I saw her explaining the cards, I looked at the two of them and saw a faint glow of light and love around them. It was breathtaking!

When she left, she told James he could borrow the Angel deck and suggested he play with them by pulling one a day. He agreed.

It was so beautiful to see Cheryl's spirit glowing with purpose and James' energy so open to learning about her gifts, and his own.

This morning I asked James to pull a card for me and he pulled the card you see above:
Be Yourself: This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power.
As he and I talked about it, I felt the card was meant for both of us, urging us to be ourselves and share our gifts with the world.

Friday, September 18, 2009

I Am Light

Today I have selected a card for you from my Messages of Life deck by Mario Duguay. If you'd like to check out this deck, you can click here or check out your local book store.

The card I picked was: I Am Light and here is the message:
I Am Light: The Light is within me, the Light is around me, the Light protects me. Regardless of the negativity I may encounter, I remain joyful and shine forth in all my splendor. With my Light, I illuminate those around me. I am worthy of the Divine within me.
These are beautiful cards and the messages are very deep. What's interesting is how I can shuffle the cards and select just the right message every time.

What's here for you today?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday -- Knight of Pentacles

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a card and give you my interpretation of it. On Wednesday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

Yesterday's Intuitive Tuesday card was Claircognizance. I have pulled an additional card today for Cindy B who said:
I just hung up from my team coaching call where the message of today was "pay attention to your attention". The lesson is to give fully to what you are doing at the time so that you don't miss the messages that come your way. Can I tell you how hard it is not to multi-task??
The card I pulled is the Knight of Pentacles from the Mystic Faerie Tarot deck by Barbara Moore. The Knight of Pentacles is a card of slow and steady progress. It can symbolize planning for the future, trying to prove yourself, devotion and self reliance.

This is a card of managing the material things in your life -- your finances, your assets, etc. -- and you have done most of this by yourself. Sure you have a lot of people around you who care for you...but you have learned that you rely on YOU. You are always there for yourself and you depend on you.

Sometimes you amaze yourself by how many things you are able to handle -- and this goes from multi-tasking various activities to juggling people's feelings.

Knights can symbolize getting involved in a new endeavor or area of life. Pentacles would symbolize that this has to do with your career. It's time to use the traits of the Knight of Pentacles and apply it directly to your work life.

Be diligent and conscientious in how you spend your time. Focus your talents and apply yourself. Instead of being amazed by how many tasks you are getting done, narrow and deepen how you use your time. You'll be amazed at how powerful you really are.

I get the sense that you already know what I am talking about as you are reading through this. Now is the time to finally do it. The word for you today is FOCUS on this area of your life because it's time.

Your claircognizance knows this already and will stand up and cheer when you not only "get it," but "do it."

It's time to walk the talk!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday -- Claircognizance

Every Tuesday I select one card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?

Each Wednesday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.

This week I've used the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. and selected "Claircognizance."
Claircognizance: Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.
This really hit home for me today. I can get so busy keeping track of all of the details of my life, my To Do list, my schedule, the kids' schedules, etc. that I forget to listen. Yes I do my meditation each day, but even that can be interrupted by mind chatter ("don't forget to do this, get ketchup from the grocery store, do you have a baseball game tonight?") or interrupted by someone walking in to ask me a question.

Today's message is clear...take time to listen and pay attention to the messages that are coming your way.

It happened to me today. I was meditating and then started writing in my journal to express some of the thoughts that were coming to me. As I wrote out a key idea that came to me in my meditation, "your thought and beliefs create your world," I heard a chime from my computer indicating that I had received an email.

After I completed my writing, I checked my Inbox to find a message that confirmed exactly that, "your thoughts create your world." Coincidental? I don't think so. I just think it was another way for the message to be brought to my attention and confirmed.

What messages are lingering under your conscious thoughts? Be aware of what songs you hear on the radio, what people say to you, what billboards or advertisements catch your eye. Play with the idea that the universe is trying to get your attention. What messages are here for you when you pay attention?

You can even deepen the process further by asking (and possibly writing down) a question you have been pondering in the morning. "What should I do about _______?) Then allow the universe to answer your questions throughout the day by "coincidental" messages you receive as you pay more attention.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday -- Beautiful Red Sunrise

The boys were on their way to school the other morning, and one of them texted, "Mom, did you see the sun?" Thank goodness because after they had left, I'd already gotten into my "the-kids-are-at-school-mom-getting-stuff-done" mode.

It's hard to tell from the photo above just how beautiful the sunrise was that morning, but it was breathtaking. With the forest fires in nearby Utah, California and southwestern Colorado, the air was filled with particles of smoke...which is probably what caused the deep red-orange color.

Usually our air is very clear and we have little to no pollution. So even though this looks like a smoggy city, it's just Mother Nature going through one of her natural cycles of burning and replenishing.

It is a good reminder to me that things come and go in cycles, and even though things can get foggy, there can still be beauty amongst the mess. Just days later, the air is once again clear and I can see the nearby mountains. The sunrises and sunsets are still beautiful, just in a different and new way.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Strength and Healing on 9/11

Today let us honor and remember the people whose lives were impacted by the tragic events in 2001...which I believe to be ALL of us, some more directly than others...but all of us nonetheless.

I remember that day vividly -- not only what happened, but how I felt. I remember the exact place I was standing and what I was doing when I heard how the twin towers were under attack. How could anyone purposely do this to another fellow human being? And yet, they did...and we are forever changed by it.

With the Strength card, I offer a pray and affirmation for all of us as we continue to heal and remember:
Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Friend, Beloved God --

Be with us as we continue to heal from the past, make peace with the now and look forward to the future.

For everyone whose lives were directly impacted, may you find Strength to move forward each day and release hatred and sadness. May you move through the emotions of what happened and how your life has been impacted to find forgiveness in your heart.

Even if you are not ready for this to happen now, pray that this peace and God's love shower you with understanding when you are ready.

For all of us...let us move forward with this new knowledge of what can happen and take from it the wisdom to create more loving, peaceful ways to communicate, love and forgive each other. Amen.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday - Preceptor of Lances

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. On Wednesday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

Yesterday's Intuitive Tuesday card was the Nine of Wands. I have pulled a card today for Tami - BFL Champion who said:
What a wonderful action and energy card to follow the cards of weeks past where we were breaking free and ready to shed all that has held us down. I hear this universal reminder that the right words are here when I reach for them. I'm ready to voice my intentions. Thanks Sheri!
The card I selected for you is from a new tarot deck that my dad just sent to me called, The Grail Tarot by John Matthews and illustrated by Giovanni Caselli. What I like about this deck is that it mixes the history of tarot with the mystery of the Holy Grail...and that the cards form a continuous frieze when laid out side by side, creating a connected landscape between the cards.

Today's card is the Preceptor (Knight) of Lances (Wands). Remember that Lances/Wands indicates energy and action. It's no wonder that you feel ready to break free and shed the things that have held you down. The Preceptor of Lances indicates a new direction within your journey.

Recently you have declared that you are back in charge! Not only will you do what you set out to do, but you'll find a brand new way to do it. This card indicates creativity and innovation...and this stems from the fact that you have learned a lot along the way and have more tools available to you.

Although yesterday's Nine of Wands may indicate standing up for yourself against other people in your life, today's energy is more like standing up for yourself PERIOD. That is, it doesn't have to be in relation to someone else...this has to do with what you stand for as a person and how you respect yourself.

You've gained back the respect and trust you have always had for yourself, but for some reason has seemed hidden.

I sense that you know exactly what I am talking about and this card encourages you to move forward with vigor. The world is your oyster when you put your mind to it...and now is the time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday -- Nine of Wands

Every Tuesday I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?

Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.

Just last night I did a 10-card Celtic Cross spread and the Nine of Wands was in the future position. Pulling this card again today symbolizes an energy that I need to become familiar with. Why else would it come up twice in 24 hours?

This card symbolizes your ability to be creative and active. Multi-tasking would easily fall under the energy of the Nine of Wands. It can indicate that you are busy and doing a great job of getting things accomplished.

The Nine of Wands also symbolizes that you have the strength you need to stick up for yourself. You may facing a situation where you need to be your own advocate. The Nine of Wands reminds you that you have what it takes to face this situation and move ahead.

If you have felt intimidated about telling someone close to you something that is important to you, the Nine of Wands energy supports you as you move ahead. Once you summons your energy and your confidence and open your mouth to truly express your feelings, you'll see that it isn't nearly as hard as you had imagined.

This card's energy reminds you of how powerful you are to stand up for yourself, especially when it's important to you.

Bask in the energy of the Nine of Wands today. Face a situation that you have been avoiding for some reason and/or know that you are ready for situations that may present themselves. Even if things look demanding, you have what you need to face what's ahead of you. Simply knowing this will give you the courage to move forward.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday -- Awesome Blossoms

The boys' great grandfather, "Boppa," loved to garden and had lots of indoor plants. Before he passed away, he gave us a clipping off of his Jolla (prounounced: Hoy-ya) plant.

If you've ever seen a Jolla, you know that it is a rich, green plant that has thick leaves and beautiful blossoms. Not only do they look beautiful, they smell beautiful. In fact, many times if I have forgotten that this plant is in bloom, I come into the house and am immediately reminded by a wonderfully, sweet smell wafting through the air.

About three years ago, I moved our Jolla to the other side of the house so it now receives morning sun instead of late afternoon sun. It LOVES its new location and blooms all of the time...not just one blossom, but several at a time.

Here is a photo of the Jolla with several blooms. If you think it looks pretty, you should have smelled it! Maybe soon they'll have blog widgets to add smell as well as sight and sound.

On second thought, knowing that I have three boys in my house, a Smelly Widget could get very abused on the Internet...a good idea gone sour (literally!).

I love the Jolla plant! Several Perfect Moments!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Full Moon Spread - September 4, 2009

September 4th marks a full moon and so I did a Full Moon Tarot Reading for myself that I wanted to share. If you've read my posts before, what's here for one is here for all. See what you get out of this post and how it relates to your life?

In the full moon reading, I selected three cards and laid them out left to right. The one on the left signifies the energy as I enter the new month. The center card indicates the overall theme of the month and the card on the right shows the energy as I end the month and move into the next one. Here's what I got:
Knight of Wands (energy as you enter the month) -- You are excited and ready for action as you prepare for what lies ahead. As you release the blocks in front of you and clear away old beliefs, you experience FLOW. It's beautiful and magical and oh so wonderful! It is an action-oriented, energetic, excitement you feel as you move forward with conviction and without fear. Isn't it so much more simple to just be who you are and do what you are here to do? You are living on purpose with confidence and enthusiasm. YES!

2 of Swords-reversed (overall theme of the month) -- This is a freeing energy. The things that were keeping you stuck are seen for what they are -- smoke and mirrors. So much is here for you as you FLOW. No longer are you bound by fear of judgment. The chains fall away from you now as you pull your energy together -- how powerful it is! Your decision and conviction to your path are apparent in everything you do. Being free allows you to go even deeper than ever before -- into yourself and into the mystical magic of the Divine.

7 of Pentacles -- (energy as you end the month) -- Now is a time of vision and imagination. Without your blinders on, you can see so many possibilities in front of you. They are visionary AND practical. Here you allow your two gifts of vision and grounded-ness to blend and heighten the energy that surrounds you and the important work you are called to do. Continue to move forward, knowing that when you listen to the Divine, all truly is in order. Keep working consistently and faithfully. You are on track!
I came away from the reading feeling so inspired and excited. How does this resonate with you?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday - 9 of Cups

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. On Wednesday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

Yesterday's Intuitive Tuesday card was the Ten of Swords (reversed). This morning as I read through your comments, I was drawn to Kim’s comment about feeling stabbed in the back by her own intuition. Here is an excerpt from Kim’s comments yesterday:
What I realize as I look at this card and the meaning is that “I” was the one NOT really listening to myself – thereby stabbing myself in the back (BIG OUCH), hoping instead that what I perceived as possible potential would come to be. In my mind it made total sense that there would be lots of people there who would rather be supported in “creating” their future versus having it “predicted” for them. Well this may be true – but to think that I was going to find them at a Psychic Fair was delusional of me.
I also noted Excavator’s observation about so many reversed and Swords cards. Reversed cards indicate that you may not be seeing the lesson of the card or may be blocked in some way. Kim’s comment about her idea making “total sense” brought to my mind how each of us tries to figure it out (which would be symbolized by the Swords), using our brains and logic to navigate through our lives.

The card I selected this morning is the Nine of Cups. This card was featured a couple of months ago on Intuitive Tuesday. I’ve included a link so you can re-read the meaning of the Nine of Cups.

As a quick reminder, this is known as the “wish card” and the main message is that you get what you desire – heath, happiness, contentment and satisfaction. Yeah! Know that as you move down your path, you are “getting it” and are bringing this emotional depth and understanding into your life...and as you do, it is reflected in the world around you.

The Cups takes us out of our heads and brings us right back to our emotions. What messages are here for you in regards to what’s going on in your life?

Lead with your heart (Cups). Do this first. Quit trying to figure it out. Listen to the emotions you have and go from there. When you feel negativity towards yourself or others or about something that’s happening in your life, go back to your own emotions.

What in your heart has been hurt before? This isn’t so much of a thinking exercise, but more of a feeling one. When have you felt this before? What was happening? How can these feelings today, combined with your updated awareness, bring you peace and understanding?

Imagine taking the Cup (full of the emotions that are charging you) and lovingly pour out the old emotions that are charging you now and re-fill the Cup with love – for you, for the situation, for the other person…and for the world.

May you bask in the energy of the Nine of Cups. Fill your Cups with loving emotions and enjoy the blissfulness of this card.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday -- Ten of Swords (reversed)

Every Tuesday I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?

Each Wednesday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.

Today's card is Ten of Swords (reversed), which when its in its upright position signifies the end of the cycle and possibly being stabbed in the back. Yes, on the card there are ten swords being projected towards the collapsed man's back. OUCH!

Luckily in its reversed position (upside-down), this card means that the worst is over. It is reminiscent of Intuitive Tuesday two weeks ago when The Tower (reversed) came up. The Ten of Swords (reversed) indicates that the worst is over and you are ending one cycle to begin another.

Perhaps this similar message is given again to confirm what you felt two weeks ago when the Tower Reversed appeared. It is over and it's time to move on.

In other words, leave your problems behind and move forward. You are ready to break habits or patterns that have been self-defeating and adopt new attitudes about you and your life. Swords indicate an intellectual standpoint, so check your thoughts and see what messages are playing through your head.

Sit quietly today and reflect on where and how you may have experienced the Ten of Swords (feeling as though you've been stabbed in the back) recently. Release yourself of the burden of carrying these hurts further by letting go of the blame and resentments about what happened. Turn to a higher power for assistance in this and ask for direction and patience as you move forward.

It's time to move on...aren't you glad?