Each week I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.
This week when I shuffled my deck and pulled a tarot card at random, I selected the Ten of Cups, which was featured in an Intuitive Tuesday post in April. If you'd like to read about the Ten of Cups, click here.
My guess is that since it came up again, there may be another message for you or one of the earlier messages needs to be reinforced.

Step by Step – I have the wisdom to allow time to achieve my goals without judgment and impatience. I live each step of my life filled with love. I let go and stop trying to control everything. The richness of each event or circumstance lies in its creation rather than its result. I therefore live my present moment, this step in my life, to the fullest, knowing that my soul is forever rising higher and higher to embrace the Light.How do you relate to this card? What meaning(s) are here for you?
Both the Ten of Cups and this Step by Step card are right on for me at this time!
Shifts are happening where I work at a residential center for developmentally disabled folks; plans are coming to fruition for October for teaching in Michigan; my daughter is here for the summer; we are receiving lots of much needed moisture....life is good.
Two women friends and I are starting a Master Mind Group tomorrow night and it seems like this is part of the next step on our Journey.
Im at tha moment wher im overwlmed with things to do,and the card is great teling me go one step ate the time and no doing so many at once,
Thank you for the messege,have a great summer
Both cards are right on! I am loving life but have a feeling there is more I am being asked to do. I am finding that the "hurrier I go, the behinder I get!" When I push something to happen, it usually falls short of the mark. This reminds me to take a deep breath, slow down and trust that all is in Divine right order!
I am feeling much harmony and gratitude. That must be the 10 of cups.
But I also struggle with wanting to control everything. The next time I find myself doing so, I will think of that beautiful image and consciously return to harmony.
Dr. Krysstine – I pulled an additional card for you and I feel the others will hear its message as well and be able to apply it to their own situations.
It is the World card, which is the final card of the Major Arcana. The World card indicates the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.
You have worked hard to get where you are now. When you look back, it may seem like being busy was how you got it all done, but know that there were other forces supporting and directing you along the way.
Now is the time to gather the knowledge that you have gained and instead of studying it further, it’s time to move into your practicum. That is, it is time to blend it all together and use it. This takes into account not only what you have learned and studied, but also your life experiences.
YOU have something special to present to the world. You will continue to develop as you go, but it is time to go.
This is not a pushing energy, but more flowing WITH the energy. When you apply effort while in flow, you will not become exhausted – you will become energized.
If it feels “hard,” stop and ask your intuitive self if you are following the right path. Flow, ease, and destiny are the feelings of what is here for you now.
Thank you for the messege,It is the right thing for me at this point,all be intach when I come back from my trip.
Have a great summer .
This strikes me: "This is not a pushing energy, but more flowing WITH the energy. When you apply effort while in flow, you will not become exhausted – you will become energized."
Flow and ease are going to be my key words in the coming weeks.
Fits so well with yoga!
Thank you for the additional card! It is exactly what is going on in my life. I am putting all of the pieces of the past together now, in order for me to set purpose into action. I am leery since I can't see what it will look like. If I don't know what it will look like, how can I formulate a plan to put it into action?! That is where Faith and Trust enter the picture, huh?
I accidently left my comments over at the other post you referred too! Silly me. I did copy this one off and have been reading it to try and tap into that the ten of cups energy.
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