Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
As I was shuffling the cards to select today's Intuitive Tuesday card, the Queen of Pentacles jumped out. I had my card for the day.
The Queen of Pentacles indicates a practical, sensible approach to life. This is the side of you that is responsible, well organized and can find practical solutions. No matter if you are right-brained (creative) or left (analytical), this is the side of you that shows up to work, to pay your bills and to make decisions regarding your finances and your life.
Each of us has the qualities of all four of the suits. You probably lean towards one most of the time, but can also draw on the qualities of the others when necessary.
You are now being challenged by situations that are calling on your Queen of Pentacles qualities. You may be in charge of organizing events, planning a trip, or are contemplating the next step of your career.
The Queen of Pentacles encourages you to approach these issues from a practical standpoint. Pretend that you are the president of YOU, Incorporated. In this role, what would be the best course of action for your organization? Although emotions are important, use your best business sense to make your decision and move forward.
This week, draw on the qualities of the Queen of Pentacles to help you move forward.
This card is so right on for me this week in particular!
Working two jobs, teaching a tele-class with ten people (this morning is the 4th week), reorganizing my home in anticipation of my daughter coming to stay for an indefinite time, writing a how-to clairvoyant training manual in my spare time - and feeling astonished that June is already here!
Keeping the left brain/right brain balance is crucial for me this week. Thanks, Sheri!
It is spot on once again! I am getting ready for a long road trip to Wisconsin/Minnesota, leaving tomorrow morning, and this seems to fit right in!!! I am being challenged to organize this trip and stay balanced... While at the same time having my panic attacks returning for reasons unknown (well, sort of)... this past week has not been very much fun. But I am approaching these issues from a practical standpoint just as the queen suggests... My intention is that my trip is safe, happy, flowing, and full of peace. So be it... and it is!!! Thanks for the insight once again Sheri!
For me this may apply to planning out the summer. My kids will be on 2 different school schedules. It may be a matter of being organized.
Now I'm in my element, baby!
This is about a big project I've got going this summer. I am the queen of this domain!
make a decision and move forward huh? Deep sigh.
It's good to be Queen!
Thank you! It's finally clear. I have such a subtle and "normal" intuitive voice that I follow it all of the time. However it can be hard to get others to follow what they see as my "whims."
Queen of Penticles, you helped me realized that if I want to get others on-board, I will need to present a more logical approach.
In my present situation, I'll help a friend develop a list of options, then list pro's and con's of each option, helping him to come to decision and take action.
Am I hearing you right?
Staying on task is tough whether you are 14 or 47 y/o!! I really need to get more organized and finish some projects. Thanks for the tarot kick in the tush!!
Suzi -- I pulled another card for you which is the Hierophant (reversed).
I can feel your worry about the trip, knowing that you need to go, but still not really wanting to leave home. Perhaps it is this conflict that is causing some of your panic attacks???
Know that after the planning is over and you are on the road, you will feel much more relaxed, and possibly excited.
On a larger scale, the Hierophant (reversed) indicates that you are somehow breaking with tradition and going against social norms that you have so carefully and deliberately tried to meet.
Is it something you learned in school or possibly through church that never really made sense, but now you just can't stand to put up with the false front any longer?
Now is a time to follow your intuition, trust yourself and use any tools you have to find comfort in what you have always known, but have only recently admitted.
There seems to be one larger situation in your life clouding your view. If so, look for a unique approach towards solving it. Doing it the same old way, will only lead to frustration.
Being unemployed the Queen of Pentacles seems to loom heavily in my presence to be practical about EVERYTHING!
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