Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
Each time I draw the Nine of Cups in a reading I get a smile on my face...not only because I know this is the "wish card," but also because the man on the card looks so happy and content.
The Nine of Cups is a card of blessings multiplied. Nines symbolize the completion of a goal before the start of a new cycle (which is represented by the ten).
Eight cups sit in front of him and he is raising one up in the air. Cups symbolize emotions and since the cups are upright, it shows that your emotions feel smooth and things feel in order. When I pull this card, it is a reminder to me of how very blessed I am in my life. Even when things feel frustrating, confusing or I feel down, I realize that things are still really good.
Where in your life are you feeling emotionally satisfied? There could be one area that immediately stands out or several areas that are contributing to your overall level of contentment.
If you have a hard time pinpointing an area in your life where you feel this, set an intention in at least one area of your life and ask that this feeling manifest in your life. Create the space to allow this to happen -- what does it look like? feel like? smell like? what color is it? what is the temperature of this space of contentment? The more specific you can be and the clearer your intention, the more likely it is to happen.
Take a moment on this Intuitive Tuesday to be in gratitude for all of your blessings and for being in this space -- now and in the future.
What a perfect card for me today.
In two ways:
1) I am having a lot of gratitude this morning for enjoying the company of my husband. The nine of cups fits so well, because both my husband and I have worked at accepting and loving each other for who we are, rather than who we want each other to be. To have the outcome of letting go of expectations be enjoyment of each other is truly something to celebrate.
2) In my professional life, I am just on the cusp of the 9 of cups.
Definitely feeling the excitement and gratitued of reaching the pentacle; yet in a place where there is still so much to be done, and having trouble letting go of the doing to enjoy the being.
I loved your questions.
What does that feel like, smell like, sound like, look like.
What do I see? Smiling faces, eyebrows lifting and light dawning in eyes. Sunshine.
What do I smell? Coffee and sage.
What do I feel? Soft breeze on my skin, breath flowing.
Where in my body do I feel this?
Between my heart and throat chakras there is a warm, round soft blue sphere expanding my breath.
I can go to this place now.
Thank you!
My cup runneth over today with TIME. Kids are in a camp, and I have several hours to write/create until I pick them up and love on them.
Hubby is home, too. We'll have a lunch date.
So much to be grateful for!
9 of cups represents to me the confirmation of my intention to open my heart to give and receive love. On my cards the 9 of cups also is Jupiter in Pisces. Which is significant in this way. A man appeared in my life from "nowhere". This man was a boy I had a crush on in highschool! 37 years ago in Texas! Turns out he is single, and had a crush on me too...He is a Pisces...I feel my heart expanding (Jupiter) just thinking of the possibilities! My whole body smiles like we were both in High School again and he was giving me his way cool "hippie" suede leather fringe jacket to wear that made all the girls jealous!
The nine of cups for me represents the closeness I feel with my boys lately. I had been feeling kind of distant from them. They are so busy with friends and activities that even though I'm always around I didn't feel we were really connecting but maybe I opened up more because I feel we are closer again.
I love the 9 of Cups and smile whenever it shows up! So many things to be thankful for....especially my daughter flying in next week to spend an indefinite amount of time here. I feel such love and joy!
Andrea -- how beautiful your writing is and the description of what it feels like, smells like, sounds like and looks like were perfect! Thank you for sharing this with us.
Lavendar Luz -- I could feel your excitement about having time to yourself. It sounds like this nurturing time for YOU will help you to be more nurturing to others later. It's the gift that keeps on giving. :)
Bonnie - your closeness with your boys is exactly the feeling of the 9 of Cups. Your heart feels full of emotions and love.
Laura - It sounds like you are familiar with the feelings of the 9 of Cups. Your time with your daughter will be very special for both of you. It's a gift that this window of opportunity has opened.
I pulled the additional card for MentorTAZ in response to your comment, but I believe all of you will relate to this...
The Fool -- this is a card about the start of a new journey. This is a card of feeling new and fresh, not sure what to expect, but starting on your journey anyway.
There is a feeling of great potential and excitement. Where will this path lead you? Even though it might be dangerous, the energy draws you forward.
There is an innocent feeling that goes with this card -- being fun loving and ready for adventure. There is also a feeling of being inexperienced and possibly mislead.
Follow your heart and let go a bit as you explore this new territory. It's time to trust and move forward.
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