Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Intuitive Tuesday -- The Empress
Every Tuesday, I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?
Each week I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.
I asked my husband to select this week's card. I shuffled and fanned the cards in front of him and lo and behold, he selected the Empress card. Perfect!
The Empress is the third of the Major Arcana cards. Her energy is goddess-like and represents the most powerful female energy in the deck. It represents feminine values and interests while still maintaining a soft, intuitive, female side.
The Empress symbolizes abundance, productivity, success, security, good fortune, healing, nurturing, love, harmony, fulfillment, continued growth and a peaceful home. You can't argue with that!
In what areas of your life do you feel this way? Where in your life can you more fully develop and express this energy? Who in your life embodies these qualities? What does it feel like when you are with him or her?
This week, consciously step more fully into this role in all areas of your life. If it doesn't feel natural, play with it. Get into the depth of these qualities and try them on like you would try on new clothes or perhaps a costume. Have fun with it. Maybe in trying it on, you'll find something you like or something that needs to be expressed more often.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Perfect Moment Monday -- Hummingbird Moth
Last night while we were on our patio barbecuing, we noticed three things flying around the flowers in our front flowerbeds. What we first thought were large bugs turned out to be three hummingbird moths.
They were so cute, small, fast and persistent. They just kept flying around our purple flowers. It was amazing to watch!
With West Nile Virus in the news frequently and me being particularly sensitive to mosquito bites, I can't tell you how relieved I was that these were moths and not HUGE mosquitoes, which are prevalent at night.
As I looked out at the sun setting, watched these amazing creatures, and smiled at my husband, I realized how very lucky I am.
...A Perfect Moment!
p.s. I'd love to claim the photo above, but I found it on the Internet. Mine probably would have been dark and blurred. :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Believe in Miracles
The past three Fridays I have given you the first twenty-seven "Words to Live By." These were written by Regina Brett, who was 90 years old at the time. They were published in The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, OH. Today I share with you the next nine on the list. I'll include the last nine next Friday. Hopefully spacing them out has given you time to absorb these words of wisdom.
If you'd like to see the first nine, click here. If you'd like to see the second nine, click here. If you'd like to see the third nine, click here. Here are the next nine:
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
I like the phrase in #30, "Give time time," and #32, "Don't take yourself so seriously," and #33, "Believe in miracles."
Do you believe in miracles?
If you'd like to see the first nine, click here. If you'd like to see the second nine, click here. If you'd like to see the third nine, click here. Here are the next nine:
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
I like the phrase in #30, "Give time time," and #32, "Don't take yourself so seriously," and #33, "Believe in miracles."
Do you believe in miracles?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Intuitive Tuesday -- Step By Step
Every Tuesday, I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?
Each week I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.
This week when I shuffled my deck and pulled a tarot card at random, I selected the Ten of Cups, which was featured in an Intuitive Tuesday post in April. If you'd like to read about the Ten of Cups, click here.
My guess is that since it came up again, there may be another message for you or one of the earlier messages needs to be reinforced.
As a bonus, I selected from another deck called, “Messages of Life,” by Mario Duguay. It's an amazing deck with beautiful artwork. Any time I've pulled one of these cards or had someone else pull one, it's amazing how ON it is. I've included a photo of the card so you can see the artwork, and here is the message:
Each week I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.
This week when I shuffled my deck and pulled a tarot card at random, I selected the Ten of Cups, which was featured in an Intuitive Tuesday post in April. If you'd like to read about the Ten of Cups, click here.
My guess is that since it came up again, there may be another message for you or one of the earlier messages needs to be reinforced.
As a bonus, I selected from another deck called, “Messages of Life,” by Mario Duguay. It's an amazing deck with beautiful artwork. Any time I've pulled one of these cards or had someone else pull one, it's amazing how ON it is. I've included a photo of the card so you can see the artwork, and here is the message:
Step by Step – I have the wisdom to allow time to achieve my goals without judgment and impatience. I live each step of my life filled with love. I let go and stop trying to control everything. The richness of each event or circumstance lies in its creation rather than its result. I therefore live my present moment, this step in my life, to the fullest, knowing that my soul is forever rising higher and higher to embrace the Light.How do you relate to this card? What meaning(s) are here for you?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Perfect Moment Monday -- Riding On A Train
This week's Perfect Moment Monday happened while I was on a Union Pacific train heading through a beautiful canyon in Western Colorado with my three teen-age sons. This was a free 2-hour train ride through the canyon that included a short presentation on train safety.
A couple of summers ago, we rode the train to Glenwood Springs to spend time at the historic Hotel Colorado and soak in the Hot Springs pool. It was such a great mini-vacation.
This Perfect Moment was made even better because I got to spend four hours with the boys, relaxing on the train, seeing the beautiful landscape go by and then having lunch in the train station when we returned.
This was a series of perfect moments!
A couple of summers ago, we rode the train to Glenwood Springs to spend time at the historic Hotel Colorado and soak in the Hot Springs pool. It was such a great mini-vacation.
This Perfect Moment was made even better because I got to spend four hours with the boys, relaxing on the train, seeing the beautiful landscape go by and then having lunch in the train station when we returned.
This was a series of perfect moments!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Don't Take NO for An Answer
The past two Fridays I have given you the first eighteen "Words to Live By." These were written by Regina Brett, who was 90 years old at the time. They were published in The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, OH. Today I share with you the next nine on the list. I'll include more later, but wanted to give you time to absorb these words of wisdom.
If you'd like to see the first nine, click here. If you'd like to see the second nine, click here.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
27. Always choose life.
Which one(s) mean the most to you? Any you'd like to add?
P.S. The ones that hit home for me are #20 (don't take NO for an answer) and #25 (no one is in charge of your happiness but you).
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Intuitive Tuesday - Temperance (reversed)
Every Tuesday, I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?
Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
Temperance is a card of moderation and patience. When in its reversed position (upside-down), this may indicate that a normally balanced person may be facing some chaotic circumstances and may feel a bit thrown off by it.
If you feel this way, take a few minutes to step out of the chaos to balance and center yourself. This can be as simple as taking your shoes off, standing on the ground (outside is best, if possible), closing your eyes and taking ten deep breaths.
Temperance reversed may also mean that guidance is there for you, but you are not listening or need to be more open to receiving it.
Have you had a nagging feeling about something but have been ignoring it? If so, now is the time to deal with it. I know that sounds much easier said than done, but know that even a small step forward will help relieve the pressure you have been feeling. Know that the answers are there for you if you stop, listen and trust.
Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
Temperance is a card of moderation and patience. When in its reversed position (upside-down), this may indicate that a normally balanced person may be facing some chaotic circumstances and may feel a bit thrown off by it.
If you feel this way, take a few minutes to step out of the chaos to balance and center yourself. This can be as simple as taking your shoes off, standing on the ground (outside is best, if possible), closing your eyes and taking ten deep breaths.
Temperance reversed may also mean that guidance is there for you, but you are not listening or need to be more open to receiving it.
Have you had a nagging feeling about something but have been ignoring it? If so, now is the time to deal with it. I know that sounds much easier said than done, but know that even a small step forward will help relieve the pressure you have been feeling. Know that the answers are there for you if you stop, listen and trust.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Perfect Moment Monday -- Balance
Today's Perfect Moment happened during my third Power Yoga class. I just finished my free first week at the warm power yoga studio down the street.
I am challenged by the poses we do and the pace we take. That combined with the room temperature of 95 degrees really makes me sweat. I'm not talking "glowing" or "glistening;" I'm talking sweat dripping off of my body and toweling off frequently because I'm working so hard. As I flow from pose to pose (trying to focus on my breath, alignment, balance, and sweat, etc.), all I can think about is how much water I will have to drink to replace what I will leave on the yoga studio floor.
Although there were several perfect moments, the one that sticks out in my mind is flowing from eagle pose (pictured on the left) to Balancing Stick (pictured on the right) without touching my foot or losing my balance (all while dripping sweat).
When I do yoga, I feel so powerful, strong and balanced. This moment was (in a word)...perfect!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Nine More "Words to Live By..."
The poster above says: Wisdom of the Heart -- Our lives are directed by the choices we make.
Last Friday I gave you the first nine "Words to Live By." These were written by Regina Brett, who was 90 years old at the time. They were published in The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, OH. Today I share with you the next nine on the list. I'll include more later, but wanted to give you time to absorb these words of wisdom.
If you'd like to see the first nine, click here.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry;
God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
Which one(s) mean the most to you? Any you'd like to add?
If you'd like to see the first nine, click here.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry;
God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
Which one(s) mean the most to you? Any you'd like to add?
P.S. I really like the one about chocolate. :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Intuitive Tuesday -- Nine of Cups
Every Tuesday, I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you? Please add comments to enhance the messages for other people in the Wild Women Community and to share how this applies to you.
Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
Each time I draw the Nine of Cups in a reading I get a smile on my face...not only because I know this is the "wish card," but also because the man on the card looks so happy and content.
The Nine of Cups is a card of blessings multiplied. Nines symbolize the completion of a goal before the start of a new cycle (which is represented by the ten).
Eight cups sit in front of him and he is raising one up in the air. Cups symbolize emotions and since the cups are upright, it shows that your emotions feel smooth and things feel in order. When I pull this card, it is a reminder to me of how very blessed I am in my life. Even when things feel frustrating, confusing or I feel down, I realize that things are still really good.
Where in your life are you feeling emotionally satisfied? There could be one area that immediately stands out or several areas that are contributing to your overall level of contentment.
If you have a hard time pinpointing an area in your life where you feel this, set an intention in at least one area of your life and ask that this feeling manifest in your life. Create the space to allow this to happen -- what does it look like? feel like? smell like? what color is it? what is the temperature of this space of contentment? The more specific you can be and the clearer your intention, the more likely it is to happen.
Take a moment on this Intuitive Tuesday to be in gratitude for all of your blessings and for being in this space -- now and in the future.
Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
Each time I draw the Nine of Cups in a reading I get a smile on my face...not only because I know this is the "wish card," but also because the man on the card looks so happy and content.
The Nine of Cups is a card of blessings multiplied. Nines symbolize the completion of a goal before the start of a new cycle (which is represented by the ten).
Eight cups sit in front of him and he is raising one up in the air. Cups symbolize emotions and since the cups are upright, it shows that your emotions feel smooth and things feel in order. When I pull this card, it is a reminder to me of how very blessed I am in my life. Even when things feel frustrating, confusing or I feel down, I realize that things are still really good.
Where in your life are you feeling emotionally satisfied? There could be one area that immediately stands out or several areas that are contributing to your overall level of contentment.
If you have a hard time pinpointing an area in your life where you feel this, set an intention in at least one area of your life and ask that this feeling manifest in your life. Create the space to allow this to happen -- what does it look like? feel like? smell like? what color is it? what is the temperature of this space of contentment? The more specific you can be and the clearer your intention, the more likely it is to happen.
Take a moment on this Intuitive Tuesday to be in gratitude for all of your blessings and for being in this space -- now and in the future.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Perfect Moment Monday -- Take Me Out to the Ball Game
There's nowhere I'd rather be than watching one of my kids play sports. This is baseball season -- complete with hot dogs and home runs!
Last week one of my sons (pictured above) scored the winning run in a game where both sets of his grandparents were in attendance. He's had a great season, is learning a ton and is having a great time.
Isn't that what little league is all about?
Today's Perfect Moment Monday is dedicated to all of the perfect moments I've had at the ball field this year. I am very blessed!
A special thanks to my sister, T, for taking such a great photo!
Last week one of my sons (pictured above) scored the winning run in a game where both sets of his grandparents were in attendance. He's had a great season, is learning a ton and is having a great time.
Isn't that what little league is all about?
Today's Perfect Moment Monday is dedicated to all of the perfect moments I've had at the ball field this year. I am very blessed!
A special thanks to my sister, T, for taking such a great photo!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Words to Live By...
A friend of mine sent an email that was called, "Words to Live By," which was written by Regina Brett, who was 90 years old. She listed these lessons that life had taught her over her lifetime. It was published in The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, OH.
There are 45 in total, and I have included the top 9. I'll include more later, but wanted to give you time to chew on it and digest these words of wisdom.
Which one(s) hit home for you?
There are 45 in total, and I have included the top 9. I'll include more later, but wanted to give you time to chew on it and digest these words of wisdom.
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
Which one(s) hit home for you?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Intuitive Tuesday -- The Queen of Pentacles
Every Tuesday, I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you? Please add comments to enhance the messages for other people in the Wild Women Community and to share how this applies to you.
Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
As I was shuffling the cards to select today's Intuitive Tuesday card, the Queen of Pentacles jumped out. I had my card for the day.
The Queen of Pentacles indicates a practical, sensible approach to life. This is the side of you that is responsible, well organized and can find practical solutions. No matter if you are right-brained (creative) or left (analytical), this is the side of you that shows up to work, to pay your bills and to make decisions regarding your finances and your life.
Each of us has the qualities of all four of the suits. You probably lean towards one most of the time, but can also draw on the qualities of the others when necessary.
You are now being challenged by situations that are calling on your Queen of Pentacles qualities. You may be in charge of organizing events, planning a trip, or are contemplating the next step of your career.
The Queen of Pentacles encourages you to approach these issues from a practical standpoint. Pretend that you are the president of YOU, Incorporated. In this role, what would be the best course of action for your organization? Although emotions are important, use your best business sense to make your decision and move forward.
This week, draw on the qualities of the Queen of Pentacles to help you move forward.
Each week, I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
As I was shuffling the cards to select today's Intuitive Tuesday card, the Queen of Pentacles jumped out. I had my card for the day.
The Queen of Pentacles indicates a practical, sensible approach to life. This is the side of you that is responsible, well organized and can find practical solutions. No matter if you are right-brained (creative) or left (analytical), this is the side of you that shows up to work, to pay your bills and to make decisions regarding your finances and your life.
Each of us has the qualities of all four of the suits. You probably lean towards one most of the time, but can also draw on the qualities of the others when necessary.
You are now being challenged by situations that are calling on your Queen of Pentacles qualities. You may be in charge of organizing events, planning a trip, or are contemplating the next step of your career.
The Queen of Pentacles encourages you to approach these issues from a practical standpoint. Pretend that you are the president of YOU, Incorporated. In this role, what would be the best course of action for your organization? Although emotions are important, use your best business sense to make your decision and move forward.
This week, draw on the qualities of the Queen of Pentacles to help you move forward.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Perfect Moment Monday -- Bolder Than Ever
Last Monday, my husband and I ran the Bolder Boulder 10K. Finishing the run definitely qualifies as a Perfect Moment -- AND we did it on a Monday.
The thing that really made this stand out for me is that our three early-teenage sons completed the run (all 10K) with us. Later, when we asked what they had learned about themselves by completing the run, they said:
• I gained confidence.
• I realized that when you set a goal, you can reach it.
• That even though something seems impossible, it isn’t.
So, I guess I had at least two Perfect Moments last Monday. Truly Awesome!
By the way...I am the one in the picture wearing the green long-sleeve shirt (just kidding)!
The thing that really made this stand out for me is that our three early-teenage sons completed the run (all 10K) with us. Later, when we asked what they had learned about themselves by completing the run, they said:
• I gained confidence.
• I realized that when you set a goal, you can reach it.
• That even though something seems impossible, it isn’t.
So, I guess I had at least two Perfect Moments last Monday. Truly Awesome!
By the way...I am the one in the picture wearing the green long-sleeve shirt (just kidding)!