Every Tuesday, I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?
Each week I choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.
I asked my husband to select this week's card. I shuffled and fanned the cards in front of him and lo and behold, he selected the Empress card. Perfect!
The Empress is the third of the Major Arcana cards. Her energy is goddess-like and represents the most powerful female energy in the deck. It represents feminine values and interests while still maintaining a soft, intuitive, female side.
The Empress symbolizes abundance, productivity, success, security, good fortune, healing, nurturing, love, harmony, fulfillment, continued growth and a peaceful home. You can't argue with that!
In what areas of your life do you feel this way? Where in your life can you more fully develop and express this energy? Who in your life embodies these qualities? What does it feel like when you are with him or her?
This week, consciously step more fully into this role in all areas of your life. If it doesn't feel natural, play with it. Get into the depth of these qualities and try them on like you would try on new clothes or perhaps a costume. Have fun with it. Maybe in trying it on, you'll find something you like or something that needs to be expressed more often.