I have selected tarot cards and created a layout to not only tell the story of the adoptions, but also calls on the Divine to bless these adoptions and our family.
Here's the interpretation of this tarot blessing:
When I read tarot cards, the left is the past; center is the present and the right is the future.
Strength (in the past position) -- Over the past eight months, we have been going through a time of healing and growing.
The Sun (covering our family) -- The Sun is a card of opportunity, success, fulfillment, happiness, prosperity, marriage and children.
King of Cups, Queen of Cups, Page of Cups, Page of Pentacles and Page of Wands (represents our family) -- each card represents one of the people in our family. The King and Queen of Cups are the nurturing, loving parents. Each of the pages represent one of the boys.
10 of Cups (in the center) -- This symbolizes harmony in personal relationships, love, contentment, a joyful family life, relationship of hope and a celebration to give thanks. This feeling draws our family closer, through difficult times and in times of celebration.
The World (in the future position) -- This is a card of fulfillment, attainment, culmination, harmony and peace. The journey may have been difficult, but you have come so far. As you end one cycle and move onto the next, know that you have everything you need and the love surrounding you to move you forward.
Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Friend, Beloved God -- Please bless this newly born family as we draw our bonds ever closer. We surround each other with love and know that our family and friends gather around us to support this very important step of adoption.
By going through the legal process of adoption, my husband is declaring to the world not only his obligation to these boys, but his love for them as well. Let him be a loving, guiding role model to these boys as they continue to grow into fine young gentlemen. His influence is already seen in each of the boys and will continue to grow stronger.
Bless the father of these children who has passed away. Let the boys always feel in their hearts his enduring love. Before leaving this world, he specifically stated his respect, admiration and appreciation for my husband. Allow his words to bring peace into the boys' hearts, knowing that their father was at peace with and calmed by their relationship to their adoptive father.
As each of the boys welcomes this adoption, let them always feel that there is enough love for both of their fathers...the one who created them and the one who chose to include them in his heart and in his life.
Blessings on your son's adoptions and the abiding love of all Fathers and Dads.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
Your husband has such a wonderful heart, and your boys are amazingly resilient.
All those things and this post say so much about you.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
(One for each of you)
Super big congrats on such a big week:-)
I am sure all is in Divine Order and that the Plan all along was for you and Tom to have these boys to raise. Blessings and Love to you all.
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