Ten of Cups -- Tune into the aspect of you that feels completely fulfilled. There is a certain harmony in your personal relationships, your family and in your heart overall.
From this space, what is possible? With these feelings of love, trust, prosperity and connection, reach outside of yourself to connect with similar energies around you. Like attracts like. Soon you'll be amazed at how many sources of this energy are present in your world.
As you focus on all that is good in your life and your many blessings, feel the Ten of Cups energy radiate from your very being, shining forth out onto your world, illuminating your path.
This is a time of celebration. Relax, enjoy and appreciate all that is good!
Note: If for some reason, you are not able to tap into the Ten of Cups energy, calm your mind and ask for this to become present in your life. Create the energetic space in which you'd like to live. Attract to your world, the people and situations that help you to feel loved and included. All is possible...if you simply ask and have faith that all truly is in order.
This card is perfect for me today as I feel 'In the flow."
Jessica Fisher Willson, who created the White Light Tarot says of this card:
"The energy of the Crown chakra flows from the top of the head, showering a pyramid of white light energy down into the depths of each chakra below. Joyous, harmonious vibration is effortless, and growth is assured simply by virtue of being. Enjoy the flow of life and enbrace contentment and gratification."
Thank you, Sheri, for this Blog and your gentle, healing presence.
Laura -- thank you for adding that beautiful intepretation for the 10 of Cups. This card really does have a great feeling, doesn't it?
If others are interested in Jessica Fisher Wilson's book, White Light Tarot: The Power Within -- Combining Tarot and Reiki, and her tarot deck, her Web site is: www.whitelighttarot.com.
Wow. Love the blog and the readings. You are right on with this week's card. I have seen a lot of this energy this week. I'll be checking back in regularly.
This is timely for me because I *wasn't* in tune with this vibration. You've reminded me to sit for a moment and reset myself.
Thanks. I want my 10 cups to runneth over.
Kim -- I was so happy to see you visited. Thank you! I checked out your Web site. Wow! You have done a lot of work.
Please come back and visit often. I'll have a book review on The Shack this weekend and you can always check in(tuitively) on Tuesdays.
Lori -- Yes! Sometimes a "reset" is just what I need too.
I pulled one additional card for you and it was the 10 of Wands -- which indicates that you will reach your goals, but it may happen quickly and may feel like you are carrying a lot of responsibilities along the way.
If you are able to keep your perspective, and know that this is only temporary...and it will lead you to your goals...you'll be just fine.
Two tens for you indicates an end of a cycle. What have you been working towards that may be coming to an end as you are walking this path? It has to do with something emotional (Cups) and action/energy oriented (Wands). Do you know what it is?
And remember...there is always free will -- the cards just give you some clues as to what's happening in your life to help you make decisions along the way.
May your 10 Cups runneth over!
ICLW. Thank you so much! This is a powerful reminder for today.
ICLW. Thank you so much! This is a powerful reminder for today.
This is a great reminder. I'm having trouble finding that place. I think it's because I'm tired tonight. I may reread this post in the morning and try again.
This is EXACTLY what I need to attract into my life. I'm trying to tap into that feeling of harmony. I'm having a little difficulty. Any suggestions?
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