Whether you are familiar with tarot cards or not, I have randomly pulled a card for you today. See how this relates to your life:
The Seven of Wands shows a man defensively holding a wand while six others appear in front of him. Just looking at the card, you may get the feeling of being backed into a corner. But wait! Just behind you is a door slightly open...giving you the option NOT to fight. This gives you the advantage!
What are you fighting for anyway? What is the reality of the situation? Are you being sensitive about what was said or done?
If you feel defensive, figure out what is really bothering you? Are you reacting to it in a healthy way or possibly blowing it out of proportion?
Look beyond your own defensiveness and realize that you have the advantage. Take a stand, but don't be aggressive...doing so will only make matters worse.
Even if things look daunting, the Seven of Wands reminds you that you have the advantage. You have the self confidence and wisdom to cope successfully with this situation. Take it one step at a time and your hard work will pay off. Victory will be yours...if you play your cards right.
This has made me think about a situation with a person who lives in my home. Makes me think of a peaceful warrior.
I think periodic one-card reading is great!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I am one of your sister's many stalkers! ;o)
Nice to meet you, as well!!
Thanks, Sheri, for this beautiful website and also your presence! This card was just right for me at this moment in time! Love, Laura Rose
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